Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rapid economic development has vastly increased demand for water in recent years , and the expansion is expected to continue : the water needs of the urban population are expected to increase by 45 per cent in the next 20 years , with industry requiring 30 per cent more water and agriculture 14 per cent more .
2 The Committee of London & Scottish Bankers ( CLSB ) has been merged with with the British Banker 's Association ( BBA ) ( which has hitherto existed side by side with the CLSB ) .
3 Mr Gandhi ( who , admittedly , has long preached toughness against terrorism ) is equally practical .
4 Physically he is unusually sturdy and has not fallen prey to illness during his long confinement .
5 Any measurement of the problem — ‘ an essential precursor to effective action ’ — is dependent on access to accurate information , but AA found that ‘ the introduction of computer-based monitoring systems has not gone hand in hand with the development of reporting and management systems ’ .
6 The material has already revealed evidence for trepanation , a surgical procedure involving removal of a piece of bone from the skull .
7 One course in England has already received approval in principle to run 10 programmes of 40 places each starting next April .
8 There are also hopes that a live trade in slaughter cattle could be developed with other EC countries over 1994 — just as has already taken place with slaughter lambs to France .
9 Mr Rutskoi has already had responsibility for agriculture taken away , along with his official Mercedes and doctor .
10 The centre has already attracted interest from fund-holding GPs in the area as well as customers referred from Darlington Memorial Hospital and Middlesbrough General .
11 Promotion of the state-owned sector has generally gone hand in hand with promotion of the indigenous , i.e. African , private sector , although in ‘ socialist ’ countries the scope of the latter has sometimes been consciously restricted .
12 yet the revival of his ‘ non-Gilbert ’ works has hardly caught fire in time to mark the 150th anniversary of his birth in London on May 13th 1842 .
13 ( 4 ) Cinema has always given primacy of place to images .
15 In the preface of his book of etchings 78 Studies ( 1809 ) he says ‘ He has always considered fidelity of imitation is the first improvement in the fine arts . ’
16 ‘ The Church has always had trouble with marriage , ’ said Beuno , ‘ trying to combine two mutually exclusive imperatives .
17 Much experimentation has usually taken place before marriage — which then tends to be very long-lived , though it , too , may be dissolved when either party wishes it .
18 Well , the sentence imposed on Andrew Hayton has also provoked anger in parliament .
19 It has also increased land under option from 5,000 to 6,500 plots .
20 For example , while the /r/ of person is pronounced ( as it would be in JC ) [ P15 ] , the speaker has also pronounced /r/ in mother , where it is less usual for Jamaicans to pronounce it , and at the end of Jamaica , where it does not occur historically at all .
21 Sprint has also announced demonstration of videoconferencing over the Internet sponsored by the National Science Foundation .
22 US-government-funded research has also linked fluoridation of water to an increase in osteosarcoma , a bone cancer .
23 Medical research has also put pressure on chimpanzee and cotton-top tamarin populations , many are captured live and exported for experimentation because biologically they are so similar to humans .
24 This shift to figural and postmodern films has also taken place in art cinema .
25 Work on cultural change in Italy has traditionally placed emphasis on state provision and intervention as against the role of private cultural industries ( the cinema , radio , publishing , and music businesses ) and consumer demand .
26 Research into speech recognition has traditionally taken priority over research into script recognition .
27 After five years in the job , she finds her salary has roughly kept pace with inflation .
28 Dep Cmd 3 Jugoslav Army has now raised question of return all Jugoslav nationals incl ex-PW internees slave workers and other displaced persons including Chetniks .
29 Kier has now started work on site and will control the project from its Scottish office at Stepps in Glasgow .
30 In Britain this growing public alarm at the course of events has increasingly found expression in Parliament , especially from the Conservative benches in the House of Commons .
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