Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adj] [noun pl] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the local council offices , a department of employment vacancy board offers meagre opportunities for the job seeker .
2 In every case , operationalization of the key concept in a research project has far-reaching consequences for the results of the research .
3 The broad distinction between classical and Keynesian unemployment has far-reaching implications for the conduct of macroeconomic policy .
4 As we will discover , this difference in the conceptions of the task and purpose of price theory has far-reaching implications for the methods and the substantive content of the alternative approaches .
5 One characteristic difference between phonological and syntactic systems has far-reaching implications for the study of variation : although phonological systems change through time and so can not be absolutely closed and finite , they are more closed and finite in character than syntactic systems .
6 Although for the present time this generation has strong feelings for the PLO and its chairman , Yasser Arafat , they have grown impatient with the niceties of political diplomacy .
7 Thus , the abolition of the new-town development corporations in England in the late 1980s has strong implications for the mobility of the poorest in the cities : they will not find a great deal — if any — of non-owner-occupied housing beyond the conurbations .
8 Such a difference in conceptions of gender and gender roles has strong implications for the event of peace or friction in the play of daily life , and can not be too much emphasized .
9 The Solicitors ' Publicity Code ( see Chapter 12 ) also contains specific provisions for the control of " flag advertising " by firms publicising their services under a group name or logo to ensure that the names of all firms involved are disclosed in the publicity material .
10 The Commission issues a written Statement of Objections to the parties , to which they can provide a written response , and holds oral hearings for the parties and for interested third parties .
11 Their uncertain future adds further complications for the users who now also have to consider which supplier to back .
12 This methodological assumption stems from his basic phenomenological approach to sociology , and has some advantages for the sociology of knowledge and beliefs .
13 Honesty and secrecy seldom go hand-in-hand , and it may be that the example of open discussion and fair play in education has some lessons for the world of sport .
14 An issue of ordinary shares has some attractions for the offeror .
15 As in other enforcement work , allocation of resources has direct implications for the nature and extent of the deviance discovered ( Long , 1979 ) .
16 For instance , if children are not out of care within six weeks after reception into care , research tells us that they have a 60 per cent chance of still being in care after two years , a finding that has clear implications for the resources and inter-agency co-operation needed for many social work clients .
17 Chapter I of the Convention contains fresh provisions for the operation of the system of Letters of Request .
18 He wants tougher powers for the police .
19 VW has high hopes for the Polo in this country .
20 We can see from these arguments and from Fig.8.4 that the capital structure theory has distinct implications for the price of equity .
21 Players can always fake injuries to be replaced so why not remove this sham before it gets out of control and causes real problems for the game 's administrators ?
22 It clearly has crucial implications for the way research studies are understood , perceived and used .
23 Junior Books has raised more questions than it has answered and has wide-ranging implications for the nature of obligations arising in both contract and tort .
24 In addition to the extra effort involved in maintenance , this has serious implications for the preservation of the contextual or evidential value of the record .
25 It has serious implications for the freedom of the press , as shown at a European Conference in Luxembourg on 3 July 1991 .
26 This has serious implications for the use of albumin excretion as a predictor of nephropathy or cardiovascular disease in individual patients , when a reliable value is necessary .
27 Whether this has serious implications for the efficiency of large companies depends on the effectiveness of other forms of control over management , and on the prior question of the intensity of non-profit motivations .
28 It says it has 100 orders for the systems , nine models of the HP 3000 and HP 9000 lines ; a handful of the new 3000s went out in August ; the first 9000s should be shipping this month .
29 This has obvious benefits for the public and is also good for us .
30 This has obvious benefits for the customer .
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