Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] its [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 It is the first time the Service has explained its stand in the dispute , which led to serious disturbances among loyalist inmates in the Maze .
2 Liverpool , Merseyside computer games company Psygnosis Ltd , which has quadrupled its exports in the last three years — and has taken Japan by storm , was another winner as was Ipswich , Suffolk-based BT & D Technologies Ltd , the joint optoelectronic manufacturing venture between British Telecommunications Plc , E I du Pont de Nemours & Co Inc of Wilmington , Delaware .
3 Apart from the Swedish J21R this was the only successful production jet fighter based on a piston-engined design and as such has earned its place in the Museum .
4 Although I demonstrated the advantages of the ‘ hot mike ’ system to ICAO and to the US National Transportation Safety Board in 1979 , the resistance to retrospective modifications ( because of the cost involved ) which the US airlines are able to organise through their congressional lobbying activities has prevented its introduction in the USA .
5 The Group has expanded its operations in the UK and into three geographical regions — Continental Europe , North America , and Asia-Pacific .
6 Government legislation for futher and higher education has made its mark in the form of implementation of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 ( and associated legislation in Scotland and Wales ) .
7 Membership of the European Community since 1973 has helped attract foreign companies in droves , while better management of a virtually strike-free economy has transformed its performance in the past few years .
8 Ferranti has had its problems in the past so has rarely been an investors ' favourite .
9 These coolers were obtained , restored and installed in Dick Hansen 's Kittyhawk which has had its temperature in the green ever since .
10 In the second transaction , LASMO has sold its interests in the producing Balmoral and Maureen fields to Pentex Oil Limited for a total of US$30 million ( £20.7 million
11 UCB , Belgium , has sold its stake in the BP Chemicals/UCB maleic anhydride fluid bed process technology to BP Chemicals .
12 It has drawn its evidence , too , from a more recent feminist literature which has rooted its perspectives in the lives of white women living with men .
13 Few would disagree that the CAB has raised its profile in the public eye over the last few years .
14 Kurt Huber , managing director , expressed his enthusiasm for the project by saying , ‘ the Clayton Aniline Company has played its part in the life of this area for well over 100 years … and this is a further demonstration of our continuing support and commitment to the community of East Manchester ’ .
15 It suggests , too , that feminist research on resources within households has grounded its analyses in the accounts that white women have given white researchers about their lives .
16 MIT has reduced its weightings in the US in favour of the UK and Europe , and has put in place a £20 million loan facility for investment in European bonds .
17 This urge to preserve the valued and precious non-material things that seem to come inevitably into human life , has found its expression in the setting up of idols in every conceivable form .
18 While the students looked to the West , China 's hardline leadership has found its inspiration in the pre-glasnost Soviet Union of Stalinist aesthetics - muscular arms , square jaws and stiff poses .
19 And the elaborate sacrificial system has found its fulfilment in the one sacrifice of Christ — the perfect Lamb of God — through whom sins are forgiven and atonement is made for all men for ever ( see Hebrews 10:1–18 ) .
20 This is a progress which has found its haven in the achievements of Mrs Thatcher , and the Patrick of the Eighties will have to deal with that .
21 Born out of the 1981 recession , and buoyed by the boom that followed , BITC , with 500 members , now has to reassess its role in the downswing and how it should direct the evolution of community involvement through the 1990s .
22 BP has increased its stake in the area immediately south of the Forties field as a result of asset swaps with Conoco and Amerada Hess .
23 The regime has cast its fury in the inflammable language of a Holy War .
24 Continuing to pursue its development strategy , LVMH has consolidated its presence in the potentially strong markets of south-east Asia and reinforced its distribution network , notably in Mexico ( in association with United Distillers ) for its wines and spirits portfolio , in Eastern Europe for its perfume business , and in Japan for the RoC cosmetics brand .
25 The close connections between many padres and the Army has left its shape in the form of the moustache sported by such ministers .
26 The Establishment has lost its heartland in the Conservative Party .
27 The Polytechnic must find it all the more galling that a situation has developed whereby an institute of higher education has become a sub-centre of the Faculty of Education at Cardiff for training further education teachers , a role that is denied to the Polytechnic because it has lost its involvement in the professional training of teachers .
28 Somewhere the story has lost its soul in the translation to the big screen and one is left with the fairly black and white conclusion that white Afrikaners in wartime South Africa hated everyone but their own .
29 Our distinguished , and rightly furious , director James Cellan Jones s quoted in the Times as believing that the BBC has lost its nerve in the wake of the Panorama libel case , which ended in a £250,000 settlement .
30 The problem is , the term Lamarckism has changed its meaning in the course of this century , and now Lamarckism , if you say Lamarckism to most educated people , the first thing they normally think of , is not evolution by will , or , or progressivism , but inheritance of acquired characteristics .
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