Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] them [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Does the Secretary of State not accept that our valley councils have lost more in rate support grant over the past 10 years than he has given them in new money in the latest package ?
2 Where properties are untenanted , Retirement Assured has valued them at open market value with vacant possession .
3 Where politicians have challenged him , he has outmanoeuvred them until such time as he perceived his work to be done ; and then — Vienna 1964 , Berlin 1989 — he simply and quickly stepped aside to move on to fresh projects .
4 Generally middle-aged , they may even have children who are working for the left-wing opposition , but their own closed environment has protected them from any understanding of the reality of their country .
5 and if he wants to send them as one consignment , but now the value is twenty five thousand pounds collectively you can ring up Stubbings and as , or get your F and A to do this for you , Finance and Admin , ring up Stubbings and can you give me a special rate for these goods and ar , can you give me what I can charge them for special coverage to take it higher than our normal coverage of fifteen thousand pound ?
6 The heart of the problem has been governments ' concern with social justice and an egalitarian distribution of income which has led them into passing legislation which has increased the costs of doing business .
7 Their diligent enforcement of the Government 's industrial laws has helped to transform the role of the trade unions ; their role as guarantors of public order has led them into bitter conflict with pickets and demonstrators .
8 For those people whose ego ideal has ruled them with especial strictness , the group situation can appear particularly attractive .
9 He is amazed by the complex destiny which has put them before each other like this , two solid independent creatures face to face , two selves , with a common background and a common source of reference in Goethe 's Faust .
10 Yet in their own terms they seem fairly content with their lives , and they do not rail against the fate that has left them with this role .
11 She was always a busy , tidy little girl , going around the house at night making sure all the curtains were drawn and tucking up the zoo of small furry animals which crowded her bed — she has kept them to this day .
12 In a most interesting essay in the recent volume of Essays on the Depopulation of Melanesia the great psychologist W. H. R. Rivers adduces evidence which has led him to believe that the natives of that unfortunate archipelago are dying out principally for the reason that the ‘ Civilization ’ forced upon them has deprived them of all interest in life .
13 Keeping braillers , typewriters and even magnifiers in their cases , or at least under covers when not in use , helps to maintain them in good condition , since dust and grime can cause damaged surfaces .
14 So they can be the deciding factor in what your programme 's going to be , so it pays to keep them in good trim .
15 Does presenting them in this way , grouped in the separate chapters , aid discourse type identification ?
16 5.5.3 the Landlord shall be entitled which shall be forfeited and become the property of the Landlord where the Tenant fails to remove them within 5 working days of receipt from the Landlord of a notice in writing to do so
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