Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] its [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The hotel has targeted its occupancy for the first year at 55 per cent , which , Mr Nitschke says , is realistic .
2 But now Tewkesbury Borough Council which owns the theatre has decided its time for a change in managment … and this means Stan Stennett has to go .
3 The union has reiterated its wish for an agreement , but has continued to negotiate individually with companies that are willing to meets its claims , which include an extra day 's holiday from next year .
4 But the corporation is ‘ delighted ’ that the government has recognised its claim for an extra VHF network for Radio I , which since 1967 has largely been confined to the medium wave band .
5 Application of the technique to mammalian spermatocytes , pioneered by Moses ( 37–39 ) , has demonstrated its potential for the analysis of the behaviour of chromosome abnormalities at meiotic prophase as well as the analysis of normal meiotic development .
6 It has proved its worth for the church and the state and it is supported by the leadership of the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats .
7 Swiss manufacturer Pilatus has abandoned its search for a risk-sharing partner for development of the PC-12 single turboprop utility aircraft and approved funding for production of an initial batch of 35 aircraft .
8 The Fed has cut its target for the federal-funds rate five times in the past three months , to 6.75% .
9 But although the Criminal Law Revision Committee has declared its support for the present age of consent , its proposals concerning the mental element in sections 5 and 6 can serve only to undermine it .
10 Yesterday 's board meeting issued a statement which said : ‘ The board of MGN has reaffirmed its support for the business policies , previously adopted unanimously by the board , for the future of the group . ’
11 The Coca-Cola Company , manufacturer of the world 's most popular soft drink , has renewed its backing for the three most important team events in tennis — the Davis Cup by NEC , the Federation Cup by NEC and the NEC World Youth Cup .
12 Gwent SSD has renewed its call for a purpose-built secure unit in Wales following violent incidents at the Coed Glas Assessment Centre which resulted in several young people appearing in court .
13 MIDDLESBROUGH council has published its submission for the ‘ second round ’ of City Challenge .
14 The RCN plans to submit its application for a review at the end of the week .
15 NORTH Yorkshire county council plans to market its advice for the appraisal of teachers and heads throughout the country after its scheme was acclaimed by teachers and consultants .
16 Sandia Corporation , an organisation in New Mexico that does contract its work for the government , is also involved .
17 The Labour Council continues to show its concern for the least fortunate among us at a time when it has to spend time , money and effort attending the demands of increasingly authoritarian central Government and collecting the Tory Poll Tax .
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