Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It involves sucking the contaminated oil into a cleaning system housed in a mobile trailer , cleaning it and returning it to the transformer .
2 This research project first involves contacting a representative sample of 12,000 British manufacturing companies .
3 The scheme involves dredging the main channel of the Medway estuary to provide a storage base for import-export cargoes .
4 This may involve special categories of trader , such as the market maker , who is under an obligation ( by the exchange rules ) to quote a price in a given contract whenever asked ; the designated broker , who agrees to promote a particular contract without giving a binding commitment to deal ; and the " local " , who trades his personal account on the exchange floor .
5 With the ardour of his age Dick agrees to carry a vital message across the frontier into Flavonia : delighting in unexpected action , he is afraid only of being late and failing in his mission and it is the free resourcefulness of a boy that ensures that in spite of accidents the message does get through .
6 One involves generating a short-lived species in the gas phase , by photolysis , thermolysis , chemical reaction , discharge , etc .
7 The boundary-maintaining function , as stated by Erikson , says that crime and the response it evokes provide the essential function of defining and maintaining the moral boundaries of society .
8 These new , relatively small , selective colleges are to be set up by private sponsors , with government grants to provide a free education with a technological emphasis for 11–16-year-olds .
9 This meeting agrees to provide a reasonable level of financial and logistical and other support to those students who wish to pursue legal action against the CLE , who are not eligible for legal aid .
10 Eric Voegelin has emphasized the fundamental difference between what he calls the ‘ cosmological ’ civilizations , which presupposed the political symbolization of the cosmos typified by Babylonia with its epic of Marduk , and ‘ eschatological ’ civilizations such as the Hebrew — but first exemplified by the Iranian — based on the religion of Zarathustra .
11 The end-of-term jollity was illustrative of the relaxed atmosphere that has pervaded the final week of the Liberal Democrat election drive — a product not merely of the light-headedness of exhaustion but also of the undoubted success of what has been a well-judged campaign .
12 His is an angry , radical critique of the changes taking place , arguing that market ideology has pervaded the Scottish universities to the extent that their work has lost its breadth , its pace , its ability to question and its identity .
13 All that Ormrod J. is in fact saying is that there has to be a woman in a marriage , because someone has to perform the essential role of a woman in the marriage , and this essential role is to be a woman , biologically so determined .
14 One used to be able to listen to light classical music on Radio 2 on a Sunday morning , but that has disappeared , and Radio 4 's topsy-turvy ‘ streamlining ’ has wrecked the listening habits of years .
15 Swoon director Tom Kalin — he wants to seduce the whole nation with his New Queer Cinema
16 For example , is it not true that the Roosecote project has received a substantial amount of capital from NORWEB but that the deal has been kept secret ?
17 The study of Magritte 's art , long dependent upon Suzi Gablik 's short monograph completed in 1970 , has received a sharp boost with the publication of three new books , each of which serves a slightly different purpose but only together provide a comprehensive evaluation of the artist as he has been researched by David Sylvester and Sarah Whitfield .
18 The sad story of the decline of the African elephant mainly due to ivory poaching has received a great deal of much-needed publicity .
19 Communal living has received a great deal of publicity during the last twenty years , partly as the result of the experiments with alternative lifestyles widely advocated by members of the middle classes in the 1960s .
20 A second view that a scientific theory is a complex structure of some kind is one that has received a great deal of attention in recent years .
21 Most recently , the controversy surrounding the use of Chlorofluorocarbons ( CFC 's ) and the damage they are doing to the Ozone layer has received a great deal of publicity .
22 The latter class has received a great deal of attention recently because homologous sequences have been found as domains contained within larger DNA binding proteins such as the nucleolar transcription factor hUBF ( 3 ) , mitochondrial transcription factor 1 ( 4 ) , sex-determining region Y ( SRY ) ( 5 , 6 ) , lymphoid enhancer binding factor I ( LEF-1 ) ( 7 ) , a T-cell specific transcription factor TCF-1α ( 8 ) , and the yeast autonomously replicating sequence factor ABF2 ( 9 ) .
23 Some critics have labelled such shows a huge con but , according to Arts Centre spokeswoman Alison Lister , the display has received a warm welcome in Darlington .
24 Public access to an environmentally attractive waterfront has received a favourable response in the city and has undoubtedly muted political debate .
25 As well as the effects on trade union activity , a further implication of cross-national bargaining structures which has received a good deal of attention concerns their economic consequences .
26 Neil Kinnock has received a rousing reception to his keynote speech to delegates at Blackpool .
27 The October bank holiday proposal has received a muted response from Employment Minister Michael Howard , who said he was open to persuasion but had no plans to make changes .
28 US West Inc 's plans to get into the fun-and-games end of the telecommunications business with Time Warner Inc has received a mixed review from the junior among the credit rating agencies , Duff & Phelps Credit Rating Co of Chicago , which placed the securities of US West Inc , US West Capital Funding and US West Financial Services on rating watch .
29 Car-sharing has received a recent boost since the petrol price increases ; owners are able to share petrol costs without endangering their insurance policies as long as sharing is on a non-profit basis .
30 Once a water has received a regular supply of HNV baits , and the carp have been hooked on special rigs , they are rarely caught on any other bait or method .
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