Example sentences of "[was/were] taken up [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , as far back as 1923 a sub-committee of the Committee of Imperial Defence had looked into the distribution of doctors , dentists and hospital services in a future war ( in effect , tasks that were taken up by the Emergency Medical Service in 1938 ) , and air raid precautions had been discussed within Whitehall since 1924 by the Air Raid Precautions Committee of the Committee of Imperial Defence ( which relinquished responsibility for this to the Home Office in 1935 )
2 A number of demands which were to be raised by the civil rights movement were taken up by the manifesto .
3 The words " liberty " and " slavery " which had frequently been on the lips of the Bristol slavery abolitionists were taken up by the crowds , and the weakness of both mayor and military left the mob free to do much as it wished .
4 These ideas were taken up by the peace movement in the early-1980s as an alternative to reliance on nuclear weapons .
5 Most of the forms of publicity through print discussed in the first section of this chapter were taken up by the West Indians .
6 These principled objections were taken up by the General 's political opponents , who dusted off the old charge of plebiscitarianism .
7 They were taken up by the fast-running forwards to outplay and outwit the slow and often clumsy defensive play of oppositions who had failed to grasp the significance of the changed offside rules .
8 Similar themes were taken up in the Collins lecture of 1988 by Richard Francis , Director General of the British Council .
9 It was pleasing to note that many recommendations made by our Agriculture Working Party were taken up in the scheme .
10 Several of these points were taken up in the Takeover Panel case in which Lord Donaldson said that the court should be wary of allowing judicial review to be used as a tactical or delaying device by a company which is the target of a takeover bid or by one of several rival bidders .
11 The remainder were taken up in the amalgamations of 1974 , which coincided with the creation of the Metropolitan Councils , and today 's amalgamated forces often seem to owe as much to local and national political opportunity than to any operational logic ; and even two decades after the first melding together of the small forces , attempts to standardize uniform and systems of operation has consistently failed to dislodge many localized , small-scale beliefs and practices .
12 Much of the previous chapter was taken up with the question of what kind of economy is emerging in the UK .
13 The morning was taken up with the Townhead Cup , a stroke play competition resulting in a close fought battle between Eddie Docherty and Andrew Beattie .
14 When it was taken up with the Headmaster he said that the boy 's name was not on the roll , they did not know of him .
15 A vast bulk of political time was taken up with the importunacy of subjects : petitions for an office or a wardship or a lease of Crown land ; begging letters for pensions ; suits for a pardon ; requests for the Crown 's help in a law-case .
16 The latter part of the Heath Government was taken up with the enforcement of its incomes policies and when the miners , having defeated the government in 1972 , challenged again in late 1973 , the government resisted while trying to find a formula for concession .
17 The front page was taken up with the Leader 's activities : a photograph showed him pumping along a line of soldiers , his elbows thrust back , his chest puffed out , its outline blurred by hoary growth ; Doric-square , his famous chin jutted up and outwards , as he took a salute of volunteers for Africa at a little trot .
18 Now Easter was taken up with the sort of playing in the streets virtually .
19 The remainder of the afternoon was taken up with the routine matters of the Branch , the only Bank on the Island , and in discussions with Peter and the three ladies on the staff .
20 Last year , the initiative for an open day for justice in the Cour d'Appel in Paris was taken up with the Lord Chancellor 's Department .
21 And so it was that Luch was taken up to the castle for the second time .
22 Even the inheritance of acquired characters was taken up as the centrepiece for a self-consciously anti-Darwinian movement known as ‘ neo-Lamarckism ’ .
23 Its supporting declaration called for the creation of " independent organs of struggle based on the factories " , and this was taken up at the Workers Charter Convention held in Bermondsey on 12 April 1931 .
24 The theory of women 's arrested development was taken up in the debate over women 's inferior mental ability .
25 Their campaign was taken up in the Commons by backbencher Michael Stephen .
26 This notion was taken up in the model proposed by Pearce and Hall ( 1980 ) ( and developed by Hall and Pearce ( 1982 ) , and by Pearce , Kaye , and Hall ( 1982 ) ) , which was presented originally as an account of classical conditioning .
27 This coupling of social insurance with a safety net of means-tested benefits was taken up in the Beveridge Plan which settled the framework of the welfare state after the Second World War ( Beveridge , 1942 ) .
28 The cry was taken up by the loser of the previous fight who was still watching the new contest from his tree .
29 The morning was taken up by the competition itself and after a good lunch in the Clubhouse , a fun game was organised in the afternoon .
30 Worse atrocities had occurred in Scotland , but ‘ the massacre of Glencoe ’ was taken up by the government 's critics , and has remained a convenient stick with which to stir up nationalistic sentiment ever since .
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