Example sentences of "[was/were] made on [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Decisions were made on a co-operative basis , with potential tenants having an important voice on the management committee .
2 In the Groeger and Chapman study responses were made on a seven point response keypad with the question repeated each time a rating was required .
3 It represented in real terms an overall cut of about 9 per cent , though as allocations to individual local authorities were made on an arbitrary basis , some of them suffered much greater reductions .
4 In the medieval period the church was also involved in the brewing of its own church-ales , which were made on an occasional basis and produced a useful income supplement ; in late medieval times these were often served in the Church House that frequently adjoined the churchyard .
5 ‘ Further calls were made on the 999 system in which he repeatedly swore and mumbled about drink driving offences in the North Yorkshire police area , ’ said Mr Walker .
6 No attacks were made on the 401st Bomb Group , but vicious assaults were made by the enemy fighters on the bomber wing that was flying alongside them .
7 Not only that , the recordings were made on the very instrument for which most of it had been written , so there 's no doubt that the sounds we hear are the very sounds he had in mind when setting out his very registration .
8 However , the concession to Jacques was made on a personal basis and clearly , the matter of his appointment as a joint secretary of the RAC was not to be considered .
9 To ensure proportionality and representation even for parties polling a small fraction of the vote across the country , a first count was made on a country-wide basis according to the so-called Hare-Niemeyer system ; afterwards a second constituency-by-constituency count was made .
10 His own first film was made on a minuscule budget of £500 while Maria Gibbons , Galway-based lesbian film-maker saw a movie at the New York festival filmed on a Fisher Price toy video camera ! — an edifying lesson on the art of self-sufficiency .
11 The Labour vote was badly hit by the NDP even in working-class strongholds , but no impression was made on the Labour movement .
12 The offer was made on the purported basis that it would strengthen the position of all the shareholders in the merger negotiations .
13 My next point is on a relatively minor announcement that was made on the same day that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State announced the changes in benefits and contributions .
14 The claim was made on the fourth day of a public hearing into Newtownabbey Borough Council 's controversial plans to build a town hall and civic centre at the Hazelbank Park on the shores of Belfast Lough .
15 On January 13 this year , an announcement was made on the local radio station , which is owned by the Mayor of Olongapo , Mayor Gordon .
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