Example sentences of "[was/were] still [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Oath-helpers were still employed to swear to the good character of the accused ; but everywhere evidence as to the facts of the case grew more significant .
2 Another generation of Labour leaders , in the 1960s , were still left to search for the Holy Grail of economic planning .
3 In 1935 a Mr Cole of Middlesbrough complained to the Sea Fish Commission that they were still having to sell at the pre-war prices of a halfpenny fish and a ha'porth of chips .
4 The book was never published in America , but I was still called to testify at the committee hearing of the US Senate which was looking into the fate of the missing US prisoners of war .
5 Sugar said Venables was still empowered to return as a non-executive director , but was adamant he did not want his opponent at the club .
6 None of her advice helped and Kim was still trying to feed with a nipple shield after a fortnight .
7 She was still trying to take in the information she had just been given .
8 She was still trying to take in the fact that Bridget might be a witness .
9 WHILE Northern Ireland was still trying to recover from the breath-taking savagery of the IRA attack on Musgrave Park Hospital , a lone Fermanagh woman came to the rescue of our bomb blackened image .
10 She was still trying to cope with the matter when Oliver said they ought to leave if they were to meet him as planned .
11 Lindsey added the further information to the picture she was still trying to build of the elusive Dr Niall Grant .
12 He relapsed into silence then , and because my mind was still trying to grapple with the politics of a country I knew very little about , I failed to ask him whether Gómez had made that flight on his own or if he had had a crew with him .
13 ‘ Doctor , ’ Blake interrupted the stranger , who was still trying to escape from the rope .
14 The man was still conditioned to think like a loyal subject of the T'ang .
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