Example sentences of "[was/were] just the [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While her parents , Ciesinski says , ‘ were just the kind of people who wanted their kids to do whatever we wanted ’ , she and her sister Katherine , who is twenty-one months older , both found themselves moving towards careers in opera .
2 ‘ I think my parents were just the sort of people who did not like staying in one place for very long .
3 They were just the sort of purchasers on whom peasants relied .
4 I do n't think it was just the change of publisher that did so much for this author , but her works have become more powerful .
5 This was just the type of craft possessed by Jack Williamson , the percussion sideman with most of the CBR orchestras , and one Sunday he invited the Windrush crowd for a cruise up Howe Sound and Squamish Inlet to Bowen Island .
6 Perhaps it is hindsight which has allowed us to understand fully the sheer technique that went into Bogart 's acting but many people at Warners could see Mayo 's point that he was just the type of actor needed to breathe life into the kind of story that the writers were making into a speciality .
7 The News International ban was just the type of dispute that must have been envisaged when the Code was drawn up .
8 And we 've now reached a situation in which there 's something over twenty percent of our streets is multiple occupation , erm and this is noise and other activities in relation to that are the things that cause the sort of low level of concern , and this was just the peak on top of that of major aggravation .
9 It was n't what it said , I mean I 've read books and heard jokes just as bad , it was just the thought of Mummy getting it .
10 An afternoon off was just the tonic for Banbridge hockey players yesterday !
11 That was just the opposite of Roux 's result and was the first clear demonstration of the process known as regulation : the ability of the embryo to develop normally even when some portions are removed or rearranged .
12 It was just the kind of chance she could n't miss , and if she had to miss the next flight home she was sure Lord C would understand .
13 Guy Sterne was just the kind of man to treat women as objects for sexual gratification , and as obliging servants to keep house and serve his meals …
14 A scintillating mixture of blues and greens , it was just the kind of thing Dana would love .
15 Reminds you of the US Interstate Highway system and the way it instantly snarled as soon as Washington residents tried to exit en masse during the riots of the late 1960s , does n't it … that blizzard coming on top of the New York World Trade Center bombing was just the kind of disaster the disaster recovery industry has been dreading : according to the New York Times , a heavy accumulation of snow caused the roof of the computer centre in Clifton , New Jersey that supports 5,000 automatic teller machines US-wide , 6% of the total , to collapse , putting the machines out of action — and the centre could n't transfer its operations to the North Bergen , New Jersey site where it had disaster recovery facilities arranged — because the site was full up with work transferred by Trade Center tenants …
17 That was just the result of fatigue .
18 And Lancaster was just the sort of geezer to know his solicitor 's telephone number off by heart .
19 This was just the sort of attitude the paper wanted — in another context it would have been a good news story .
20 But the Hank in his mind , the one who calmed him down and cheered him up and got him going in a sensible way — she was just the sort of fantasy mother you 'd make up if your own mother was too strong , too passionate , too overwhelming .
21 If the blasting of Bristol City is anything to go by the United fans are in for a high old time … a dazzling display from Chris Allen … two penalties from Jimmy Magilton … and first for Alex Dyer was just the sort of start that manager 's dream about …
22 If the blasting of Bristol City is anything to go by the United fans are in for a high old time … a dazzling display from Chris Allen … two penalties from Jimmy Magilton … and first for Alex Dyer was just the sort of start that manager 's dream about …
23 This was just the sort of thing Henry wanted to read .
24 It was just the sort of thing we had seen on Starsky and Hutch .
25 This was just the sort of thing — a secret service playing God — that usually had George registering y on the Richter Scale .
26 It was just the sort of thing the boys liked , and when Hilary had fetched their suppers — a cold Scotch egg each — from the kitchen , they all sat watching it .
27 But it sounded more like Hilda alone — it was just the sort of thing to appeal to Hilda 's sense of humour .
28 It was just the sort of thing that would amuse a man like that .
29 On the other hand , there were friends who thought that the Shaffer play was just the sort of thing that Kenneth Williams needed to do .
30 It was just the sort of match that cried out for some Cantona-like ambition .
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