Example sentences of "[was/were] n't [verb] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are proposals to link Valmorel 's skiing area to the Three Valleys , although we were n't given a definite timescale .
2 In a recent interview with this newspaper , Mr McCormick said : ‘ I would be the first to complain if I felt we were n't getting a fair crack of the whip . ’
3 He said you were n't to let a new dog off the lead until he had for six weeks
4 As we strolled away , however , we had to hold our hands out at arm 's length , as if we were under arrest , to show the hawk that we were n't holding a juicy lump of rabbit .
5 ‘ Eventually , just from listening to albums you could tell what tunings they were using , because a lot of them were n't using a regular tuning , most of them would tune to a particular chord .
6 Jim Bob , laughing , says that some of the crew are here , as much for him to talk to as for their tour responsibilities : ‘ Because if we were n't having a good time with our friends we could n't do this . ’
7 MAX ( to Peg ) : If we were n't having a civilized drink together , I 'd bash you for that ‘ our teapot . ’
8 and er if they were if they were n't making a reasonable amount you know , eight and a half per cent , ten and a half on some of them .
9 I was n't expecting a miraculous transformation , you see , I was expecting the Belinda I 've come to know and love . ’
10 I was n't having a nervous breakdown but I was unable to operate or function efficiently .
11 He had stopped stealing , or , rather , Emmie thought he had : sometimes she wondered if it was just that she was n't keeping a proper watch on him .
12 Well , I was one of the people who could n't do it even if I was n't lifting a heavy weight .
13 And , ’ he added with a malevolent glint in his eyes , ‘ at your interview I did point out that I was n't offering a nine-to-five sinecure . ’
14 In expressing the view that he felt he was n't making a large contribution to the activities of the Commission , he also requested some guidance on what his role should be or what view the Commission had about his role .
15 I was n't making a conscious attempt to write an Indian War and Peace at all . ’
16 Mr Scowcroft was n't predicting a good result for Argyle on Saturday .
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