Example sentences of "[is] not [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That is not through lack of support by this Government , who have put £17 billion into the coal industry since 1979 .
2 It is not for want of encouragement .
3 Nevertheless , this is not of importance in relation to our present consideration .
4 On this damp cold ground , the grass is not like grass in picture books : it is town grass-tufty , unkempt , in patches of mud .
5 But at that time the plaintiff had no actual existence ; was not a human being ; and was not a passenger — in fact , as Lord Coke says , the plaintiff was then pars viscerum matris , and we have not been referred to any authority or principle to show that a legal duty has ever been held to arise towards that which is not in esse in fact and has only a fictitious existence in law , so as to render a negligent act a breach of that duty .
6 The package is not in state for approval — listings can not be prepared .
7 This is not in terms of methodology , I hasten to add , for I learned by first-hand practice in the late 1960s that the application of scientific methods of investigation in the so-called ‘ agricultural-botany ’ model had little value in developing understanding in education .
8 This is not in terms of methodology , I hasten to add , for I learned by first-hand practice in the late 1960s that the application of scientific methods of investigation in the so-called ‘ agricultural-botany ’ model had little value in developing understanding in education .
9 That way , the way of Camp , is not in terms of beauty but in terms of the degree of artifice , of stylisation . ’
10 It is not easy to set standards for what is acceptable and what is not in terms of production expertise and technical quality .
11 The referential , truth-functional nature of language is not in abeyance in fiction : rather it is exploited in referring to , and thereby creating , a fictional universe , a mock-reality .
12 As P2 is not in privity of contract with B , he has no contract action against him .
13 However , a general trade embargo would not be effective and would require international support , which is not in prospect at present .
14 For example , an employer is not in breach of contract for sacking someone because of his or her age .
15 The effect of clauses which define the contractor 's obligations is that , if the contractor performs in accordance with the express undertaking , it has performed the contract and is not in breach of contract at all .
16 All plant , machinery , vehicles and other equipment used in connection with the Business is in a good and safe state of repair and condition and is not in need of renewal or replacement .
17 Equally well , rather than disappoint you , the assistant may say ( hat the item is not in stock at present but may be in next week — after several weeks of returning to ask about it , you may suddenly realize that the item never is coming in .
18 The dangerous journey in store for Sard is not in fact in pursuit of the ideal woman , but a prosaic attempt to get back to his ship before it sails , an attempt frustrated by the theft of his bicycle and by wanderings that involve him with a silver-train and a period in gaol , the traverse of an appalling desert and a rock-strewn mountain .
19 So the id is a jumble of contradictions and the reason it 's a jumble of contradictions is that it 's not in contact with reality .
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