Example sentences of "[is] that [pron] have be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 But I mean , one of the things that we 've got on with at the moment is that we 've been saying for ages , you 've got to get your you 've got to get us involved at design stage .
2 The job of communicating is very important indeed and maybe one of our problems is that we have been doing so much within the business that we are not ready to communicate to the outside world that it perhaps does n't understand sufficiently what our targets are .
3 ‘ One of our strengths is that we have been making catalysts for many years and only market those which we have used in our own plants , ’ explained Dr Barrie Pearce , commercial assistant for ICI Catalysts at Billingham , Cleveland .
4 He said : My impression is that what has been going on over a period of years has come from , or been led by , a small mafia group of MI5 who have contacts outside in one or two sections of the press , and a few self-appointed private enterprise security agents .
5 Any nation has to learn democracy er , and it seems to me that all the people of the Soviet Union have shown over the last four or five years a lively interest in politics and considerable to participate in politics , er one of the problems is of course is that they 've been doing so , too much and in too disorganised a way , they 're going to have to get together .
6 She said : ‘ All that has held us together for years is that I 've been working for you .
7 You are a very intelligent girl and you have read a great deal — no , I mean it ; one thing you ca n't say is that I have been trying to flatter you — but you do n't know everything , you do n't know the French , the real French ( though the Fourniers are quite an example of one kind ) , you can have no idea of what life among us is like , the attitudes , the demands ; if you like , the values .
8 My excuse for this lengthy and amateur digression into history is that I have been trying to show how I think geology got into the hands of the theoreticians who were conditioned by the social and political history of their day more than by observations in the field .
9 English will basically be er Chaucer or whatever , or whatever it is that you 've been doing .
10 A second and earlier poem Moliant Cadwallon ( ‘ In Praise of Cadwallon ’ ) , possibly by Cadwallon 's bard , Afan Ferddig , celebrates Cadwallon 's victorious progress against Eadwine ‘ the deceitful ’ after his return from Ireland , where he may have been in exile , though an alternative possibility is that he had been gathering reinforcements there .
11 Our latest information is that he 's been working as a waiter at a bar called Flamingo . ’
12 The trouble with the right hon. Gentleman is that he has been searching for a way to do nothing about this problem .
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