Example sentences of "[is] no [noun sg] [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 There is no requirement to disclose the nature of non-audit services .
2 Thirdly that there is no requirement to demonstrate a need to locate development in open countryside erm and we 've been reminded this morning that erm one of the erm flaws in the policy put forward back in nineteen seventy nine or eighty erm appears to be that it erm required , certainly in the explanatory memorandum , that the development be erm essential erm to er essentially have a countryside location .
3 Although there is no requirement to notify the Society of the name and address of a newly formed MNP , it may be necessary for separate reasons , such as the need to keep the Law Society informed of a solicitor 's practising address .
4 So there is no requirement to recognise a minority interest in respect of the preference shares .
5 The break-even point is therefore two tracks if there is no requirement to seek the start of the track , or three tracks if there is .
6 The government has approved the offer , and there is no requirement to buy a house .
7 By all means use them when they are needed or appropriate , but there is no call to construct a headline especially so as to include one or more of them .
8 ‘ Unless Borders councillors start resisting blanket forestry it is no exaggeration to suggest the Borders hills will disappear under a new wave of tree planting before very long . ’
9 Of course , there is no necessity to include a sample or a gift in any press pack and indeed simply including these items for the sake of it and without a clearly defined idea of why you are doing it is a waste of money .
10 Family Allowance is not related to the man 's wage , it is paid when there is no wage , whatever the circumstances may be , it is paid when there is no man to support the children .
11 I brought the wine because I like it , which is no way to treat a lady , but I also liked the thought of sitting down with her , talking about interesting things , in the way you do with wine .
12 ( She says this is no way to fund a school )
13 Come , come , Alfred , this is no way to fill the theatres of Europe .
14 And with health care a provincial jurisdiction , there is no way to force a province to provide a specified level or form of benefit .
15 It can be a long and weary job — especially if you 've got more than one location — but there is no way to plan a conference , exhibition , rally or any other special event without proper advancing .
16 That is no way to run a prison service .
17 This is no way to present an opera on disc .
18 There is no way to measure the significance of speculation in the commodities boom .
19 ‘ This is no way to land a ship .
20 To represent Hertfordshire residents we must give notice to the Government that is surely serious , sli slitshot consultation is no way to supervise the development of these airports .
21 I felt that the news was broken to us in a very inhumane manner , but perhaps there is no way to sweeten the statement , and the sooner the news is conveyed the better for both the giver and receiver .
22 The authorities have set a limit of one twist per customer per week , which is no way to handle the problem .
23 Strangling the financial markets is no way to revive the economy
24 There are two reasons for this : first , there is no way to place a value on any one quality , and second , a quality considered to be a weakness is frequently only a counterbalance to assure that a strength is not misused .
25 Cheap politics is no way to investigate the matter .
26 And turning up late out there is no way to start a conversation with any prospectives , I 'm sorry I 'm late .
27 There is no capacity to discuss a trade-off of 1,000 million between tax relief on pensions and higher cash old age pensions .
28 It would be untrue to say that there is no evidence to support the government 's proposals .
29 On the other hand there is no evidence to support the idea of foul play …
30 Noam Chomsky argues in his chapter that there is no evidence to support the view that human language is designed for communication ( in the sense that it is the product of Darwinian evolution ) .
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