Example sentences of "[is] not [adj] that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is not self-evident that all clarifications or developments of the laws of war have to take the familiar form of multilateral conventions .
2 But it hardly supports the conclusion which , without further ado , Berkeley draws from it : that it is not possible that sensible things ‘ should have any existence out of the minds or thinking things which perceive them ’ .
3 It is not accidental that Japanese manufacturers have become eager converts to robots and automation .
4 Given the fundamental importance of demography for any assessment of a pre-industrial economy , it is not surprising that economic historians have pressed the surveys into service ( historians of medieval England have done the same sort of thing with Domesday Book ) as sources of demographic data .
5 Moreover , with such confidence in the methods of science it is not surprising that educated men of the second half of the century were immensely impressed with its achievements .
6 Since and expresses so many connective meanings and as it is so frequent in speech it is not surprising that young children sometimes overuse it in their writing , as in this piece by an 8 year old boy :
7 Because Nonconformists had done so well out of the changes brought about in the nineteenth century it is not surprising that increasing numbers assumed the inevitability of liberal progress to be as much part of the natural order as the law of gravity .
8 The larger the group the greater this tendency , argues Olson , and thus it is not surprising that amorphous groups such as consumers , or even economic classes , do not unite in common action to pursue their interests .
9 Given that suspended particulates have been the subject of pollution control policies dating back to the nineteenth century , it is not surprising that total emissions and average urban concentrations of particulates have decreased markedly during the past few decades .
10 It is not surprising that many citizens ‘ banned and cursed her ’ , nor is it wholly surprising that there were some among them prepared to give her money to go on a pilgrimage to the shrine of St James of Compostella in Spain .
11 It is not surprising that many beginners find such text bewildering .
12 Considering the additional confusion caused by much industrial nomenclature , with many trivial and trade names , it is not surprising that many formulators prefer to stick with what they know and trust .
13 It is not surprising that many professionals involved in education are rather dispirited and disillusioned at this time .
14 A recent report of the Institute of Directors on the professional development of directors ( 1990 ) led a spokesman to say that ‘ it is not surprising that many boards do an adequate rather than an excellent job ’ ( quoted in The Independent , 1990 ) .
15 Moreover , given the fact that classes have always been much larger in primary schools than elsewhere , and that primary teachers have persistently urged the need to improve pupil-teacher ratios , it is not surprising that many heads saw the opportunities afforded by PNP only in terms of smaller classes .
16 It is not surprising that many inmates want to give up their appeals .
17 ‘ Evil communications corrupt good manners , ’ says a Greek proverb , and in the polarised world we live in , where name calling and counter-check is the order of the day , it is not surprising that good manners and etiquette have gone by the board .
18 Since what the police regards as an entirely proper task of ‘ threat assessment ’ means the surveillance of what is entirely legitimate political activity by peace or trade union organizations , it is not surprising that such actions have given rise to concern .
19 Since many of these religious sites supported markets and periodic fairs , it is not surprising that substantial settlements developed round them , often with Iron-Age antecedents .
20 As to the first , it is not surprising that poorer citizens , especially those from more distant demes , found it hard to walk in to the frequent meetings of the Council ( though the argument from distance should not be overstated : Andokides ( i.38 ) mentions an early morning walk of twenty miles from Laurion to Athens as nothing special ) .
21 The to infinitive is called for with such verbs , so it is not surprising that perceptual verbs should take to before the infinitive when used in the more conceptual inferential sense .
22 As parenting involves many quite complex skills , it is not surprising that most mothers and fathers experience occasional difficulties in transforming helpless , unsocialized infants into sensible children and teenagers , and eventually into reasonable adult members of the community .
23 Again , it is not surprising that most Christians find this theory totally unacceptable .
24 Given that these viewpoints and value bases are so antagonistic , and yet rarely made explicit , it is not surprising that different groups find it so hard to trust and respect each other .
25 Consequently , it is not surprising that senior churchmen were sometimes related to each other .
26 Therefore it is not surprising that those horses and ponies that are likely to become overweight and founder , are especially likely to do so in the spring .
27 It is not surprising that single lines of trees or hedges have proved ineffective — these simply do not provide enough material to scatter or absorb much sound .
28 Under these circumstances , it is not surprising that objective measurements are not commonplace in clinical practice and remain largely a research tool .
29 In retrospect , it is not surprising that these efforts largely failed .
30 ‘ As most firms were still in the process of establishing procedures , it is not surprising that these procedures were not yet subject to review .
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