Example sentences of "[is] hold [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The vast constituency is held with a 12,000 majority ( over the Tories ) by 46-year-old Hilary Armstrong .
2 This is held over the blocked plug hole and worked up and down several times to force water down the waste pipe .
3 The new " Ring " , however , still stages major races and a round the world sports car championship is held over the famous circuit to maintain the long association with one of motor racing 's most forbidding and famous circuits .
4 Each non-inverting input voltage is held at a different level , the connection nearest pin 4 being the lowest voltage , and the connection nearest pin 6 being the highest .
5 In practice the polymer solution is held at a constant temperature while precipitant is added to the stirred solution .
6 It also has a magnificent wine cellar , with around 3000 bottles , stored in cupboards which have the temperature controlled by computer to ensure that every variety is held at the correct level .
7 Seat belt ‘ lock off ’ guide ensures the seat belt is held at the correct position .
8 The data is held as a two-dimensional array , each row representing a part in which each of the columns containing various data about the parts .
9 Superseded dictionary material is held as an on-line archive in the database .
10 The list from which they are selected is held on a small computer on the second floor of the drab grey Cabinet Office building in Whitehall .
11 If the file is held on a mass storage device , location of higher-level indexes on a disk will make a very significant contribution to reducing run times .
12 In many areas the Hearing is held on the first working day after the removal of the child .
13 If the overflow record is held on the same cylinder as the prime data there will be an average wait of half a revolution to refer to the overflow record .
14 I turn now to the information that is held on the national computer about which the hon. Gentleman asked a number of questions .
15 It is held in a double-skinned tank which is filled with hot water to raise the temperature of the milk .
16 Even if the master file is held in a sorted order there will be no particular difficulty , as these files are usually stored on magnetic tapes .
17 The detainee is held in a small cell equipped with a hole in the floor which serves for a toilet , a water tap ( often dry ) , a thin mattress and a blanket .
18 As we have already stated , it may be possible to use completed documents directly as input to a data dictionary system so that the data is held in a readily-accessible computer format as well as on paper forms .
19 Within living cells , it is held in a three-dimensional network of proteins to form the sponge-like cytoplasm , and this in turn is enclosed in a flexible protein-fat membrane .
20 This sub-set of entries is held in a smaller database known as the Working-Set .
21 On the IBM 370 range the increment value is held in a third accumulator specified by the instruction .
22 The event is held in a comfortable hotel in Birmingham where residential accommodation is available for those who want to stay over night .
23 The ATP molecule is held in the right place by the enzyme which is catalysing the reaction .
24 He is held in the highest esteem by all who know him .
25 The Cowal Highland Gathering , celebrating its centenary this year , is held in the picturesque town of Dunoon on the bands of the Clyde .
26 Climbing steep snow in a series of zigzags as in ( Fig. 2b ) , the axe is held in the uphill hand and the rope goes on the downhill side direct to the next person on the rope .
27 Implicit information is held in the organisational memory ( for example , the description of office routine ) and is rarely recorded or preserved .
28 A piece of stone is held in the cupped palm of the hand and hewn with a special hammer ( ‘ camartelo ’ ) into the required shape .
29 Legislative authority is held by a bicameral Congress made up of a 180-member Chamber of Deputies and a 60-member Senate , both of which are elected for five-year terms , the Senate on a regional basis and the Chamber of Deputies by constituencies under a system of proportional representation .
30 The Deutsche Bundespost Telekom has nodded through the taking of a 19.5% stake in Ukranian Telecommunications : other shareholders in the group include AT&T Co with 19.5% and Koninklijke PTT Telecom Nederland NV with 10% ; 51% is held by a Ukranian consortium ; Telekom will invest $15m in the venture .
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