Example sentences of "[vb infin] in to the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Again , you should log in to the VAX as the LIFESPAN Manager , and type :
2 Coun Arthur Taylor said there was no planning opposition so they should not give in to the vandals by refusing the application .
3 So everything 's there , printing presses repro separation houses , sheet film , computer set up and Apple Macs and everything is there , it 's actually a very impressive set up erm , the Queen Margaret 's course , I 'm slightly dubious about I once had a colleague I 'm going back a decade who had been employed on the basis of doing the communications course at Queen Margaret I think , and it turned out that it was n't communications as we understood it , it was n't our sort of communications P R newspapers and things like that , it was communications on a much broader , broader front so it did n't actually fit in to the world of P R and what happened was I then had to sit down and train this woman from scratch and get rid of a lot of the preconceived notions that she had come in with she had brought from Queen Margaret 's College .
4 For you would see the jeep in front of you proceeding along the Egyptian highway in a very dignified manner , when all of a sudden it would swing in to the side of the road near a fruit-barrow , a large brown hand would shoot out , and a succulent water-melon would disappear as the jeep accelerated away again .
5 While most , for example narcissi and scillas , should be planted as soon as they are bought , tulips should not go in to the garden until November .
6 In other words ‘ the Russian revolution will create conditions in which power can pass in to the hands of the workers … before the politicians of bourgeois liberalism get the chance to display to the full their talent for governing ’ .
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