Example sentences of "[vb infin] out [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 As Tiguary announced the plan to the assembled chiefs , Dulé could see the scene in his mind 's eye : the fire licking up one mast , then leaping in the rigging to the other , snaking through the spars , then falling in sparks , and setting the decks to smouldering while sleepy men sloshed water about with the balers , yelling orders to one another , until , when the flames had lit up all the timbers and the ship blazed in a transparent lattice of spars and ribs , her defenders would fling themselves into the sea and the warriors would swoop out of the shallows and fall on them : it would be as easy as catching fish .
2 The boot is big , the kids can see out of the windows and the heat/vent/demisting is brilliant , as are the sound system and cruise control .
3 In the story , those invited to attend made excuses ; a response which so infuriated the host that he ordered his servant to ‘ Hurry out to the streets and alleys of the town , and bring back the poor , the crippled , the blind , and the lame . … ’
4 Had he not better make that clear to both the Conservative and Labour Members who still believe that Britain could stay out of the developments that will take place in Europe ?
5 But they wo n't go out on the streets until officers using them have been fully trained .
6 You will not go out in the streets and you will not say anything in public .
7 Does she go out in the evenings or anything like that ?
8 Er also feel that the people the companies are not making services actually got because they were against these making go out in the evenings because the last bus leaves the town centre at six thirty .
9 We will go out against the Moors and give them battle , and God who hath thus far shown favour unto us will still continue to be our helper .
10 She said if he ca n't come out to the children And he has good as told her that he had n't got much time for children , visiting children .
11 And this you know like this style you can make it small or large as you like , and you can come out to the sides as well .
12 It looked like somewhere waiting for a film to happen , Jasper thought , like a Western on television where two gunmen will come out of the badlands and hold up the mailtrain on the Santa Fe railroad .
13 Of course , we can not just get out of the routines and struggles and problems we are already engaged in .
14 Here Minton would occasionally stretch out under the trees and draw .
15 With the words had come the fleeting impression of dark , sinuous creatures who could slither out of the shadows and wind their cold , serpentine fingers about you , so that you were trapped , who could twine about your entire body , so that you were smothered and suffocating from the cold embrace …
16 And then , after two years , we were allowed on to the wards in our white coats and we had to erm find out about the patients and initially we were all very slow and we were given two hours to talk to a patient to find out all about them .
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