Example sentences of "[vb infin] from [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 NSWRU executive director Gary Pearse will resign from his post at the end of October .
2 Thus , the work of Fama et al on the significance of scrip issues indicated that the issues themselves did not tell the market anything it did not already know from its analysis of the company 's performance during the 30 months before the split .
3 She looked up at him , that same cold distance in her eyes , then let the card fall from her fingers into the silt below the water .
4 The basic fiduciary duties may be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The " no conflict " rule : the fiduciary must not place himself in a position where his own interest conflicts with that of his [ customer ] , the beneficiary ; ( 2 ) The " no profit " rule : the fiduciary must not profit from his position at the expense of his [ customer ] ; ( 3 ) The undivided loyalty rule : a fiduciary owes undivided loyalty to his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , and therefore must not place himself in a position where his duty towards one [ customer ] conflicts with a duty that he owes to another [ customer ] .
5 And Folly let her hand unclench from its grip on the door-knob , and let the exit door fall shut .
6 American Express is fighting back , it says , with strategic emphasis on its sales force , which will tell existing and potential service providers such as retailers , restaurants and hotels , how they can benefit from their association with the Amex card .
7 We are looking at several opportunities and will benefit from our involvement with the quarrying side of Wimpey Minerals which has always been involved in marketing its products on a free-market basis , ’ says John Chance .
8 When considering a whole range of variables it is found that those social characteristics indicative of a low position of wealth or status do not appear among persons treated as criminal more often than one would expect from their proportion among the general population .
9 They are a very old family who have lived in that house for centuries , as you can see from their name on the stone over the front door .
10 Clearly we do not wish to go through the same debate that we had at the greenbelt inquiry , erm but it is very relevant erm you 'll see from our submissions to the panel that er quite clearly the City Council did not agree entirely with the proposed boundary of the greenbelt , the City Council did take the view that there were certain areas of land proposed to be included in the greenbelt er which did not fulfil a greenbelt function in the Council 's view , and that was clearly was discussed at the greenbelt inquiry , it was not just one site , er we clearly were not not in our er responsibility to identify a specific site outside our district , but there were a number of areas er subject to those objections , not just from ourselves , but as Mr erm Donson has said er from various objectors .
11 That is , the choreographer must understand from which part of the body impetus is to be given so that the step achieves its full purpose at the proper moment — usually in some gesture and its musical emphasis .
12 It has been proposed , for example — entirely plausibly — that the ‘ blame ’ rests with Queensland sugar planters : that fertilizer might run from their fields into the sea and enhance the growth of marine algae .
13 She was suddenly flushed and she let the dog slide from her lap to the floor .
14 You might conclude from your review of the styles of the best and worst chairperson that the best one :
15 She would return from her banishment to the kitchen as Ellwood drove away , imitating his spidery walk , asking : ‘ What did old Stoneface have to say ? ’
16 And neither did Tutilo return from his visit to the lady of Longner .
17 She added with more assurance that Beuno would also soon return from his walk to the waterfall , and then wondered aloud where the Molesworths were , because in a minute they would be late .
18 She would elicit from her colleagues at the Versorelli Institute the exact itinerary Kingdom had followed there in November .
19 The leader 's level of authority can arise from his position in the company or from his personal expertise .
20 Over the same period , Joe has been one of the players who helped it develop from its infamy as the so-called sign of a mis-spent youth to become a symbol of sporting success .
21 The fact that the basis of recovery was not in issue , and indeed was overshadowed by the great question in the case , must detract from its importance in the present context ; even so , the simple fact remains that recovery was stated to be founded upon absence of consideration for the payment .
22 ‘ Mortal — how else did you vanish from our sight in the Great Tower ? ’
23 They could tell from his footprints in the snow that he had been trying to find a fold , which is what we call a stone shelter built for gathering sheep .
24 His post-Siberian great-sinner project wo n't convincingly disengage from his interest in the confessional form , and , as we have seen , the Dostoevsky Confession was afoot before Siberia .
25 Yet Joseph knew that he was right to have his armaments in place : you could never trust the gypsies or the tinkers — against each other , let alone anyone else : quacks , drunks and ranters would drift from their positions in the line and cause trouble just by bumping into the orderly armada of hill folk who knew how to hold steady but had never been fond of strangers .
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