Example sentences of "[vb infin] from [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the seaman Peters , a thief and later a mutineer , protests against the commuting of the death sentence to the disgrace of being flogged round the fleet , Marryat as author finds it a matter for critical comment that the members of the court-martial are clearly surprised that a mere seaman should act from a sense of honour :
2 Whereas Charles Paris , who knew that he had given one of the best performances of his career in The Hooded Owl , was a name that the punters would n't know from a bar of soap .
3 Thus UPH did profit from the sell-on by Delion/Hoddle .
4 The Hadow Report of 1926 , and its successor the Spens Report of 1938 , had envisaged that not all children would want or could profit from the kind of schooling which was available in Cardiff in the 1930s or in Thame in the 1890s , and that different kinds of pupils deserved not only various curricula but also distinctive types of school .
5 There is not much sign that the King did in fact profit from the sale of offices ; but others certainly could and did .
6 Equally plainly , in this view disobedience is literally world-shattering ; to transgress or deviate from the law of nature , to ‘ fail , or swerve ’ ( i. 185 ) from one 's allotted course , is a perversion which brings ruin not only to the transgressive agent , but to every other dependent entity .
7 The popularity of arbitrage portfolios suggests that the advantages more than compensate for the risk that the value of the arbitrage portfolio will deviate from the index at delivery .
8 If the national curriculum were about bringing difference Into the open instead of separating the desirable from the undesirable and suppressing the latter , we might see more people who are confident in their identity and can integrate from the basis of knowledge and strength rather than one of weakness .
9 A Japanese on the board will probably be a business school graduate with extensive overseas experience , who will speak from a position of strength .
10 But Edward had a more substantial motive for planning an invasion of Normandy : his strategy was to take the pressure off Lancaster in Aquitaine by providing a diversion in Normandy and another in Flanders , were Sir Hugh Hastings had been appointed Lieutenant and given the command of Flemish troops who would advance from the north against Philip .
11 The first statement remains intact in its vagueness and generality , but the casual reader might assume from the wealth of clauses and subordinate clauses that it has been argued and proved .
12 Bank Rate was the rate at which discount houses could borrow from the Bank in order to meet any shortage of liquidity .
13 Ken and Pat Ferguson would like to re-cover your dining-chair seats for a labour charge of only £5 each plus the cost of fabric , which you can choose from a selection of pieces available in stock at reduced prices , or supply your own fabric .
14 Now you can choose from a range of excursions or wander freely , but you must have accommodation booked for each night of your stay .
15 Caine would choose from a variety of eateries , while Poitier always plumped for Peter Langan 's elegantly seductive Odin 's , just off Marylebone High Street .
16 Or you can choose from a variety of packages with different top hotels .
17 This also highlights the way in which a court may choose from a number of doctrines in coming to a solution .
18 It would appear from a portrait at Shibden Hall that as a young woman she was very attractive .
19 It would appear from the report of Hudson that the defendant had simply overbalanced in his excitement .
20 The three trombones are therefore only equal to one , and the bass line is thus not so heavy as would appear from the list of instruments employed on it .
21 It would appear from the judgment of Vinelott J. that this opinion is one which corresponds with his own .
22 A tank may benefit from a change of position in the event of a problem where everything else has failed .
23 She has moved from Arrow , and is just the sort of author who can benefit from a change of publisher , for she has been slipping a little recently .
24 ’ Oh , well , Miss Lightbody , we can all benefit from a change of routine now and then . ’
25 George and Marie clearly need to do some manpower planning , starting with themselves : Marie could clearly do with a bit of training in delegation , and George might benefit from a course in marketing .
26 Young patients at Newcastle 's Freeman Hospital will benefit from a gift of £1,120 from 49 probationary Durham police constables who raised the cash with a sponsored swim .
27 Community development , with its stress on community involvement in the search for solutions to local problems , was seen as an informal ‘ learning through doing ’ process which would benefit from the involvement of adult educators and vice versa .
28 Young people in training or further education may benefit from the provision of accommodation in community homes if they have no permanent home of their own .
29 At these times , the scarcity of employment opportunities has led to the view that older people should give up their jobs in order that younger people can benefit from the experience of work .
30 I have recently been in New Zealand and I think Scotland could benefit from the kind of facilities they have .
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