Example sentences of "[vb infin] that at the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend will know that at the end of November we made a number of requests to the Government of Libya .
2 But now these controls over processions have been erm extended to cover static large meetings , and erm I would think that at the back of the draftsman 's mind was the spectre of mass pickets , things like that .
3 I would therefore expect that at the time of the next recession , markets will be much less vulnerable to cost-cutting .
4 About two million acres of waste have been enclosed by act since 1700 , so that we may reasonably assume that at the beginning of the eighteenth century there were about seven million acres of ‘ waste ’ all told rather than the ten million estimated by Gregory King .
5 I do not believe that at the end of a week in which we have honed a new policy we are going to even contemplate bargaining that away in smoke-filled rooms with Paddy Ashdown , David Owen , or anyone else . ’
6 One must remember that at the height of the cement boom in this valley the number of men employed ran into thousands if one considers the barge trade as well .
7 Putting these answers together we can see that at the heart of fundamentalism is a longing for a faith which is secure , tangible , successful , simple .
8 And , although he does n't say so , you can see that at the back of his mind , there 's an idea brewing in Andy McDonald .
9 Creggan could not see that at the sound of his words and particularly at the name of Callanish , there came into the eyes of old Minch , who was now held in the cage by the Men , a look as from some vast distance in the past .
10 On his way he passed the main drive , and he could see that at the end of it the gates were open .
11 It can happen that at the time of the sale the seller is not the owner ( and thus is in breach of the condition in section 12 ) but that he subsequently obtains that ownership , e. g. by buying the goods from their owner .
12 This would mean that at the end of year 1 a UK car would have a showroom price of £13,200 not £12,000 .
13 Okay you 're absolutely right er we did play that at the beginning of the programme we had a little trouble with our C D what happened there Stuart it went off the air did n't it ?
14 Nor can any general law of ‘ radicalisation as a result of mobilisation ’ be regarded as valid solely on the basis of the war 's impact : we may recall that at the end of the First World War the electorate voted for a substantially Conservative Parliament , albeit under the leadership of Lloyd George , the wartime Prime Minister .
15 Will he re-emphasise that at the end of the day the document is all about contracting out to produce as good a service at less cost or a better service at the same price ?
16 er She she keeps saying it 's terribly interesting , I hope she does n't deny that at the end of the two hours .
17 You will learn that at the age of nineteen he was practising his public speaking at Hyde Park Corner ; you will learn that he reads the Sun to keep his finger on the public pulse .
18 The smaller Divisions could argue that at the heart of their success lies an individual education process and a separate designation — the Chartered Building Surveyor is a prime example .
19 If he retains a short but more than nominal reversion he may find that at the expiry of the sublease he is unable to relet the property .
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