Example sentences of "[vb infin] to [be] take [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But it does mean that cross-addiction is a factor that may possibly be of some influence in all of this and that it is a factor that may need to be taken into consideration in the long term in attempting to improve the over all quality of recovery .
2 On the other hand it was necessary to acquire an elementary understanding of the issues involved , examine previous work on measuring the required parameters and in particular learn something about canopy structure so as to assess the extent to which it would need to be taken into consideration .
3 Other people apart from yourself and the candidate who may need to be taken into account when fixing a schedule are :
4 The achievements of pupils with a hearing impairment will undoubtedly be affected by these factors , and this will need to be taken into account , for example , in the assessment of the first attainment target in writing .
5 Another factor that will need to be taken into account is the prevailing level of interest rates , since these affect annuity rates .
6 In attempting to establish this confidence , perceived rather than actual abuses may need to be taken into account .
7 This is particularly significant with regard to some areas of sexual law which may need to be taken into account by social workers .
8 But I think there are a number of things er which would need to be taken into account .
9 As far as any future evaluation is concerned , if we adopt this definition of support teaching , it is obvious that more than just the traditional concerns with pupil progress in specific skills areas will need to be taken into account .
10 The very nature if the interaction would need to be taken into account in all of its complexities .
11 The time taken to become acquainted with the software will , of course , need to be taken into account so , to make the exercise worthwhile , the software operations should designed with the musician in mind .
12 The reorganisation does not affect the range of work covered by AEA though obviously some jobs will change on 1 April 1994 and this will need to be taken into account in the detailed planning of the implementation stage .
13 There 's substantial improvement , particularly in West Yorkshire , and that does need to be taken into account .
14 Ideally , all the above qualifications would need to be taken into account in any attempt to prescribe policy .
15 The instructions supplied with the product will need to be taken into account .
16 It is also one of the factors that may need to be taken into account in controlling advertisements and in determining whether a discontinuance order should be made .
17 Any matters referred to in the replies , which will need to be taken into account on completion — eg details of the title deeds that will be handed over , the standard requisition as to production of last receipts , a requirement that an outstanding mortgage should be discharged on or before completion , an undertaking of some sort to be given on completion — should be marked " Completion " so that when you come to prepare your completion agenda , these matters can at once be picked out , and no further lengthy perusal of the replies will be needed .
18 Where a data user breaches one of the principles , the Registrar can issue an ‘ enforcement notice ’ , specifying the nature of the breach and outlining the measures that will need to be taken in order to correct the breach .
19 There are however other measures which would need to be taken in conjunction with the path ; in particular , the route to school would continue along Muirwood Road which is at present used as a ‘ rat-run ’ ; traffic-calming would be needed .
20 Many decisions about the implementation , organisation and monitoring of the National Curriculum will have to be taken at school level and each of these could affect the ‘ ordinary teacher ’ .
21 While SWAPO 's decision to opt for English as the official language reflects a wish to avoid conflicts between different indigenous languages , relatively few people who have not been refugees know English well , and this will have to be taken into consideration in teacher training .
22 As for the medical practitioner before the discovery of antibiotics , what did not exist did not have to be taken into account .
23 Changes in land use might have to be taken into account .
24 Were the STV to be adopted in Britain , the seniority factor , the locality factor and the numerical factor would all have to be taken into account as they are in Ireland in the selection of candidates .
25 Their interests will have to be taken into account .
26 Thus unexamined documents would not have to be taken into account in the retrieval evaluation nor would performance be based on the retrieval of the " best document " .
27 Erm and , and and , and probably those points are erm of interest and some of them er will have to be taken into account .
28 Those matters will have to be taken into account when we consider whether to allow credit for exports to those countries .
29 Evidently , ultracold collisions will have to be taken into account if atomic fountains are to be used in frequency standards .
30 The answers must be matters of fact , though disclaimers in the rules would have to be taken into account .
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