Example sentences of "[vb infin] and [verb] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Let me be buried in lead at Claydon next to where your father proposes to lie himself , and let no stranger wind me , nor do not let me be stripped , but put a clean smock on me , and let my face be hid and do you stay in the room and see me wound and laid in the first coffin , which must be of wood if I do not die of any infectious disease , else I am so far from desiring it that I forbid you to come near me .
2 Urging firms to take up the challenge of the new markets to safeguard their future , he added : ‘ It is the innovative and proactive oil and gas service companies of Scotland with the vision and drive to explore and capitalise on international markets who will succeed and grow in the next century . ’
3 And I 'm going to talk about , and make do and mend in the second world war .
4 But , all those years ago , she simply had n't been experienced enough to realise that , despite those wonderful and ecstatic nights of passion , her marriage to Ross had been founded on a disastrously thin layer of quicksand ; a relationship which would crack and disintegrate under the first onslaught of any stress and tension .
5 And that 's what we 've got ta try and do in the next , next few weeks really .
6 Here a second fleet of transports would be waiting with another 20,000 men , who would assemble and embark at the last moment to secure the maximum surprise .
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