Example sentences of "[vb infin] the [noun sg] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Few strategists would gainsay the primacy of the First Pillar — the defence of the British Isles — upon which the sovereignty of the realm depends ; though , paradoxically , the United Kingdom has usually been so secure behind its sea walls that Home Defence has been accorded the lowest allocation of resources .
2 The first relates to whether a set of standard conditions should govern the contract in the first place , and the second ( in the case where the parties exchange their respective sets of standard conditions ) to the question of which set shall govern the contract between the parties ( the so-called " battle of the forms " ) .
3 So you should make the decision in the first place .
4 Rather than treat the indenting of the first line of a paragraph as simply some cosmetic device , as Longacre ( 1979 ) does , we might look upon it as an indication by a writer of what he intends us to treat as the beginning of a new part of his text .
5 Above all , we do not know the meaning of the first two lines of his damnable poem ,
6 ‘ It would be terrific if we could win the title for the first time in 25 years . ’
7 Neath , the leading Welsh club side of the moment , were more or less ignored because although their forwards could get around better than anyone else 's there would not have been much point if they could not win the ball in the first place .
8 However , Manchester United 's backlog of League fixtures means that unless they play their First Division game with West Ham that night they could not finish the season by the first weekend in May .
9 But the cannons on the north-facing ramparts had an essential function if the garrison was to survive the morning ; these cannons must break the impetus of the first enemy attack .
10 Are you gon na repeat the miracle of the first half and sen sell some more land in Thurrock in the second half ?
11 ‘ She insisted we did n't see the show before the first night , ’ explained Waterman .
12 A Balinese child does not touch the ground for the first three months of life .
13 The edit operation may also provide the address of the first significant digit , to facilitate insertion of a special character immediately before this digit , as mentioned in ( c ) above .
14 The château , together with its gardens , terraces and belvedere , recently restored by the State on the basis of eighteenth-century documents , will provide the setting for the first part of the itinerary , while a new basement building is to accommodate the second stage .
15 One can thus trace the development of the first waves of nationalism in Austro-Hungary to the reforms of Joseph II ( reigning from 1760 to 1790 ) .
16 As a woman 's teenage children leave home , she may interpret the loss of the first as a welcome freedom .
17 If Bates can dispose of Dosedel , he would next face the winner of a first round clash of two qualifiers .
18 But now I see , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , that I must alter the emphasis of the first part .
19 In future , therefore , I shall decide the date of the first reference of a case to a local review committee following the initial consultation with the judiciary .
20 After he had done that , he would decide the date of the first reference of the case to a local review committee .
21 It is exclusively a business concept although simpler versions of videoconferencing may one day enter the home as the first videophones .
22 Peter Walker , the Secretary of State for Wales , confirmed on March 4 that he intended to leave the government at a future point in order to be able to spend more time with his family ; it was subsequently announced on March 14 that he would be succeeded in late May by David Hunt , currently Minister for Local Government and Inner Cities , who would enter the Cabinet for the first time .
23 What girl could resist the lure of the first new clothes she had possessed in years ?
24 Since Melanee wants a loan of less than 70 per cent of the value of her first home , she can have the pick of the first time buyer discounts .
25 They 'd only normally be happy to do that , if they did n't have the policy in the first place , would n't they .
26 Blanche wanted to be clever and memorise the way his finger moved across the numbers but she could not maintain the concentration after the first four .
27 If Wilko 's so keen to have Shez in the team that he 's willing to lose one of our best defenders , then why did he sell the man in the first place ?
28 If someone who is offered an obviously forged check believes that if the issue is litigated a court will lay down a rule denying recovery for the future and apply that rule against him , he will not take the check in the first instance , and society will have the benefit of the better rule without actually paying the costs of litigation or incurring the disadvantages of bad commercial practice before the case is litigated .
29 Er we need to tell them that we 'll take the balance of the first year 's payment through er er on proof , when we when they 've got their proof on on the desk we will take the next the balance of the first year 's payment through a banker 's order .
30 But with 17 matches to go and key players returning , Strudwick believes his side can reach the big-time for the first time since the Rugby League began their bid to take the game beyond the confines of Yorkshire and Lancashire with the Fulham experiment back in the early eighties .
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