Example sentences of "[vb infin] a [adj] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The above housemaster felt that to change certain kinds of a teacher 's relationship to children would need a major restructuring of society .
2 They may need a good deal of support because of these conflicts , yet this is rarely available .
3 And in the game of rugby we , too , will need a new sort of president with a contemporary vision for the game .
4 If chance is not enough , of course , we will need a new science of heredity .
5 Using any of the traditional methods of cost analysis you will need a substantial quantity of paper , a good financial calculator , a ruler for drawing up the forms and a quiet corner to get on with it .
6 Local authorities will need a substantial amount of time to ensure that their information technology is correct and is in place to deal with the council tax .
7 Mr Reynolds for example will need a great deal of preparation for discharge .
8 Peter 's situation illustrates the fact that patients who spend very little time in hospital or have minor procedures performed still have anxieties and may need a great deal of help both before and after discharge .
9 A person born severely disabled will need a great deal of help in overcoming the effects of the disability , but they will possibly be able to adjust to it better than the person who has enjoyed perfect health and led a full , normal life and is suddenly injured or crippled by disease .
10 You will need a great deal of paper if your notes are to be kept useful .
11 If you use this method you will need a generous amount of fabric , about three times the width of the wall .
12 This walk , by the way , although it 's only short , does involve a bit of scrambling which , though hardly dangerous , does need a fair amount of agility — fit grannies and grandads would make it , overweight VAT inspectors with beer bellies would n't .
13 A large machine like Penry Vaughan 's body must need a fair amount of fuel to keep it running efficiently .
14 The US pavilion is a dull rehash of a Barton Myers design used in a previous exposition and will need a super-human input of labour to be ready on time .
15 The pond provides a useful source of live food and algae for the fish , but they will still need a balanced diet of flake or pond sticks .
16 For it does rather need a constant stream of work to get full value from the investment in girders , gantries , hoists and related hardware that were installed for manipulating ( and originally for dismantling ) huge aero-engines .
17 To deal with these issues in democratic decision-making , we shall need a large dose of economics and a fair helping of political science .
18 You will also need a high level of self-motivation .
19 I kept my fingers crossed figuratively during the first few months of our acquaintance that neither of us would be sent elsewhere on a permanent posting — permanent until demob , that is — because I had seen quite a few promising romances nipped in the bud by one or the other partner being whipped away by the unfeeling powers-that-be , and when a relationship is developing you do need a few weeks of togetherness to allow it to mature .
20 An immediate objective should be the introduction of a wealth tax , which , combined with other taxes , would initiate a substantial redistribution of wealth .
21 Each programme in the series will explore a different type of music .
22 Each month students will explore a different aspect of garden design , beginning by establishing the different functions which a garden is to fulfil and moving on to study access routes and boundaries , changes in level , colour theory , designing for seasonal variation , and the use of water and architectural features .
23 Any conversation with elderly people may include a certain amount of guilt or recrimination about the past .
24 You may include a separate piece of paper for this , but print your name on it very clearly .
25 Such a mixture might include a small admixture of nastiness .
26 The benefits of a centralised distribution system may include a small rate of tax on the centre 's activities , but since these are unlikely to include much added value to the products being distributed , the scope for manipulating transfer prices is limited .
27 Thus it seemed clear that the lexical representation used for matching should already include a great deal of information about the word 's possible phonetic realisations .
28 Electrophysiological assessment should not be limited to programmed ventricular stimulation but should include a comprehensive evaluation of sinus node , AV node , and His-Purkinje function .
29 The new range will include a wider selection of hand knitting yarns in Mohair blends , British Wool and synthetic fibres , shirts , socks and suiting lengths plus a collection of knitted garments for all the family .
30 The AMA did recognise the advantages of timber-frame houses , namely that they are often quicker and , in some respects , cheaper to build ; other benefits can include a higher standard of insulation as well as more economic use of on-site labour .
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