Example sentences of "[vb infin] and [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Roman caught her before she could fall and carried her to the small settee .
2 Have you someone who can assist and support you with the children ?
3 Roman took her arm in a grip she could n't break and marched her down the path .
4 So it 'll pause and show it on the screen .
5 Please note that transfers in Switzerland are by rail ; representatives will meet and escort you on the train .
6 No doubt they would return and place him with the other Commando dead in neat rows in front of the Chateau to await burial .
7 There is no doubt that the person entitled to goods may enter and take them from the land of the first taker if the taker himself wrongfully put them there .
8 She had such hope for the future , such belief that he would love , nurture and protect her from the difficulties that lay ahead .
9 My health , I am feeling strong and looking confident on the outside , so you must try and feel it on the inside oh dear the planets are on your side this week for love , needless to say
10 We 'll try and make it in the morning .
11 And then we come to the sixth race which is the eight forty five , well I 'm going to go for Angie Baby here in trap three , she 's erm a little bit of a kidder but she might have the legs of these , as long as something leads her , she 'll come and erm try and do them on the line , so it 's Angie Baby for me there , erm Ruby Blue in trap six is a danger .
12 I suppose they might try and sellotape her to the walls of their cells .
13 We 're not talking to anyone who 's playing football cos they 'll try and get us in the game
14 Let's try and get it on the board , which somebody has written on and I told them about that and asked them to clean it , but , bring a spray can of white paint next time .
15 Okay , I 'll point to something round here and you 've got ta try and find it on the picture bulb .
16 Now , what you can do is try and cut it towards the middle of your line of aim .
17 PS Will call and see you on the way back if you 've got no battles lined up .
18 At that moment it had been appropriate to put big pickets you know I think if we thought too much about it we would have and taken it to the lodge and put it through the union it would have had cold water put over it and you know it was right for Tom to be wary and it was probably right for us to do what we did I mean I think you know it it was successful the way it turned out .
19 Now see how many of these countries ' capital cities you can name and fit them into the grid .
20 I was n't sure , I said , but soon , very soon ; I 'd phone and tell him within the next couple of days .
21 If you ca n't get your own way or what you want by openly and honestly asking for it , do n't use sly or surreptitious methods because they could backfire and land you in the soup .
22 If you ca n't get your own way or what you want by openly and honestly asking for it , do n't use sly or surreptitious methods because they could backfire and land you in the soup .
23 I would be most grateful if you could recommend and advise me on the aforementioned , plus compressors .
24 Dorothy would leave and abandon her at the very idea .
25 And I would like to buy two chairs for the favour room , you know chairs to sit on cos at the moment we have to always go and get them from the er cracker room .
26 er I 'll go and get it in the week
27 I was going to wash the pots I 'll go and smack him round the head
28 ‘ If there was a war , ’ said Camille , ‘ a real one , I mean with Germany — Brian could wear a uniform and Mum could go and kiss him on the station platform and cry a bit . ’
29 ‘ Why not go and see him in the proper way instead of lurking around by night ? ’
30 But er no , we were talking and she said if I give you the money you wo n't go and spend it on the
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