Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv prt] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you live at any distance from medical help , or are not within easy reach of a telephone , it might be wise to add some ‘ activated charcoal ’ to the medicine cupboard , as it can slow down the absorption of poison .
2 The merger with the CBSI should slow down the fall in membership and thus the subscription base , though the eventual impact on reserves is hard to forecast .
3 John Houghton , director of the Meteorological Office and chair of the IPCC 's Working Group I , said that Thatcher 's programme , if repeated worldwide , would not stop the rise in temperatures , but would slow down the rate of increase .
4 Although the structure and powers of the new committee have yet to be decided , conservationists argue that the additional bureaucracy will slow down the process of designation , cost a lot of money , reduce the power of SNH and may result in designated sites losing their status .
5 You know like , if I 'm really thirsty , I could just gulp down a glass of water or a glass of orange , just like that , but with fizzy drinks , I do n't know , I ca n't swallow them very easily , just sort of er ,
6 ACTORS will abseil down a quarry as part of an unusual open-air performance of Shakespeare 's Macbeth this summer .
7 What better way to end a dinner party than to relax and linger over a glass of port and a generous chunk of Stilton .
8 What a pity she did not discover that all she needed in the first place to remove the ‘ writer 's cramp ’ was to rest her right elbow on the table when writing instead of letting it hang over the edge without support !
9 KEVIN Keegan has lodged a substantial bid for an unnamed player but wo n't tie up the deal in time for Saturday 's home game with Brighton .
10 Later on in the day I wander up to Low Force with no boat and no-one except my girlfriend and the fish trying to swim and jump up the fall for company .
11 Doctors do not always act out the role of doctor , which confers the right to open a consultation , to ask personal questions about health , to instruct us to do things , and to close the interaction fairly summarily .
12 It 's not unknown to eventually track back the source of rumour and confusion to events at ‘ Grange Hill ’ .
13 For many people , the mere fact of entering a Home can bring on a bout of incontinence .
14 ‘ An out-party sometimes forgets that the power it exercises as an opposition is to some extent in the hands of journalists ’ ; the more supportive the press is of the opposition party , the more pressure it can bring on the party in power .
15 Everything is made to change just in the nick of time , and even the return letter office suspends its laws that Jane Eyre may carry on a tale with effect .
16 The Consultation Draft which preceded the issue of the COB Rules explained that in order to carry on investment business of the same description ( and so qualify as a market counterparty ) , the putative market counterparty must carry on an activity in relation to a description of investment which both fall in the same paragraphs of Sched 1 to the FSA as the activity and investments of the firm .
17 However , it must be stressed that it is a question of fact in each individual transaction , and the question one has to ask objectively in every single situation is whether the purchaser is merely selecting specific assets for the use in his own business or whether he is buying assets in order that he can carry on the business in succession to and in place of the vendor .
18 As the total amount of paid employment relative to the working population diminishes then we must either break down the barrier between employment and work or be condemned to live in a society permanently divided between the employed and growing numbers of the unemployed .
19 The French police may bring in a suspect for interrogation under the process of garde à vue .
20 But no one in Class 1 had seemed unduly disturbed by his account of them , even if the Husayn twins had said that pigs were ‘ boring ’ and had asked if they could bring in the novelization of Terminator Two .
21 The person who is terrified of storms , while restraining him or herself from hiding in the hall cupboard , will still give off an aura of anxiety to a child who will then come automatically to associate fear with the sound of thunder .
22 For people who ca n't give up the taste of salt , health experts recommend switching to low-sodium salt alternatives .
23 Aware of their vanity and dread of baldness , he would reach over and lift up a lock of hair , saying , ‘ A little more brain showing today ? ’
24 And he shall judge among many people and rebuke strong nations afar off ; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks ; nation shall not lift up a sword against nation , neither shall they learn war any more .
25 In reply to his own question , ‘ What shall I render to the Lord for all his bounty to me ? ’ the psalmist can only receive with gratitude what Yahweh freely gives him and rededicate himself : ‘ I will lift up the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord , I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of his people . ’
26 ‘ I do n't doubt but what Alfred 'll rig up a bit of shelter .
27 But I do n't bring up the subject of money with Fairfax immediately .
28 That development entailed a recognition that the concentration upon language by the school of logical positivism , within which Ayer 's dismissal of religious belief emerged , might not so much show up the meaninglessness of theology as elicit its own particular logic Wittgenstein 's thought appears to show a progression from concentrating upon language in order to exclude certain forms of thought — as in Ayer 's exclusion of metaphysics — towards concentrating upon language in order to make sense of those different forms in a way that was sensitive to their particular nature .
29 ‘ And if you find a cafe , could you bring back a couple of bacon sandwiches ? ’
30 If they did n't bring back the amount of money he 'd told them to , he beat them with a baseball bat . ’
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