Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv prt] [prep] the [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Not a muscle of Nan 's face moved , her stroke never faltered as she brushed and watched the flakes fall down on the newspaper she had spread beneath .
2 You 've got a long and full life ahead of you , chum , so you must now stop worrying and go back to sleep and catch up on the strength you 'll need for living it up when you 're better . ’
3 Or — and something came apart in his stomach and turned a revolution and plummeted downwards — were they all politely and patiently waiting with well-controlled longing because it would not be too long now before they could get home and carry on with the lives they preferred without him ?
4 Where problems do crop up in the records they are often of the type that are familiar to all families with teenagers .
5 You can not expect to be asked the questions exactly as they appear here and you will be badly thrown if you have programmed yourself with exact responses to very particular questions which do not crop up in the way you had anticipated .
6 I would therefore be grateful if you could refer back to the letter I wrote and respond as best you can .
7 Thirty minutes since Dominic had gone inside that room … time enough for a readjustment of ideas , time enough to let resentment flood back to the place it had just left .
8 No , it does n't matter about after the funeral we got .
9 He looked at her searchingly , then stopped and led the way across the rabbit-nibbled turf to a point where she could look down on the inlet he called Seal Haven .
10 Later I turned a page and uttered a gasp of stunned surprise that made Edward look up from the manuscript he scrutinized .
11 Often when attempting to explain some aspect of my studies to fellow students who were having difficulties , I would look up from the textbook we were sharing to see an expression of sheer disbelief pass across their faces .
12 There are several costs involved in remortgaging which you should weigh up against the savings you will be making .
13 Thomas could now look back on the papers he had begun , or completed and sold in his first two terms , as ‘ vain stuff ’ but he continued to write verses , which were sent to Harry and Helen .
14 Cos I 've got ta make up for the sleep I lost erm yesterday .
15 Come on , Miss Williams , you 're not so naïve that you honestly believe that a mere apology will make up for the way you behaved . ’
16 Let's move on to the pages I 've got to the actual format here .
17 Perhaps they did not like what you were saying — it did n't fit in with the way they see their magazine .
18 Fill it in yourself ; your manager , or your union health and safety representative will help you if the layout does not fit in with the incident you want to report .
19 Fred said , ‘ The only other time he ever ordered it was the night you rang us up in Leeds to say you 'd got the house and we could move in by the week we were spliced . ’
20 She did n't move in until the day she got married .
21 By then she could just about face up to the knowledge she had been trying to resist since February 1944 ; that every last member of her family had died in the concentration camps .
22 But now other victims like Damaris may miss out on the help they need .
23 It was n't a slum terrace , as she had expected , but from what she could make out through the moonlight they were good working-class houses , each with its small rectangle of iron-railed garden in front .
24 Do n't cut down on the amount you drink as you need a regular amount of liquid , but do n't have too much after teatime .
25 Only through his marriage , which for him was unconsciously rooted in an identification with the bereaved , did he create the conditions where it became more difficult to drive out or cut off from the attachment he both yearned for and feared .
26 He could have basked in the illusion of being a benevolent father-figure to his people , actually loved and appreciated and secure in the knowledge that even after he went , things would go on along the tracks he had laid down .
27 We 're not the kind of thing that attracts government funding cos we 're not sort of we do n't go along with the architectural you know , the architectural establishment really insists that everything should be exactly just so .
28 you get you get , keep your own because if there 's any time she ca n't walk down to the bottom we 've always
29 One of the few times you will find big bream in waters which do not match up to the points I have mentioned is when they are the result of a recent stocking operation .
30 and er , I think until women 's football take it on board all the way erm , they 're not really gon na stand up with the men they have to become , referees , they have to become coaches , and more and more of these people erm , taking responsibility .
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