Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As an ENP I could discuss my patients with the senior medical staff only ; in practice this meant the registrars .
2 He also stated that his government would confine its discussions with the federal government to matters of immigration , communications and labour , and would maintain bilateral relations with individual provinces on issues of mutual concern .
3 The government can make its value judgements about distribution or equality and can pursue its views about the desirable degree of vertical equity without impairing the efficient functioning of a free market economy .
4 Having sifted through the views of countless organizations , through its technical appraisals , through computer assessments , it had concluded that there were just two places where it would pursue its investigations for an underground dump .
5 Although Goldmann accepts the significance of the social determination of knowledge thesis for epistemology he does not pursue its implications for the Marxist concept of ideology .
6 More important , trade would tie their economies into the global market , allowing them to specialise in the things they do best , and helping governments to consolidate their economic reforms .
7 The Operator Terminal must have a fixed terminal address or Decserver port so that Offline can direct its messages to a known and expected destination .
8 The physiotherapist , dietitian or hospital chaplain should explain and discuss their contributions to the total care of the patient .
9 A staff function should be positioned so that it can funnel its services to the organisational levels who may be the public face of the organisation to outside groups .
10 It is a decision that has , in principle , to be taken early on , so that the creative group can concentrate their efforts on the right type of ads — though because some creative ideas work better in one medium than another , the initial decision may be left more or less open .
11 It would be helpful to the planning committee if Q.T. could let us know their views on the last year 's programme .
12 Perhaps it is this very ‘ emptiness ’ which appeals to many clients , for they can strip their advertisements over the aquamarine seas , or over the azure of skies , so that our subliminal minds will equate the goods they offer with the freshness of unspoiled paradise .
13 ALLAN THOMSON has been appointed captain of the Scottish Boys team and will commence his duties in the quadrangular match with France , Italy and Sweden in Sardinia from 19-21 March .
14 When Shearman was appointed National Education Officer for the WEA , questions were raised by the LEA over the continued appointment of a full-time resident tutor in the county and agreement was reached only on the understanding that the new resident tutor would concentrate his activities in the undeveloped rural areas in the south of the county .
15 Or you could hang your eggs on a white-painted twig ‘ tree ’ standing in earth in a flower pot .
16 You can save a lot of time by letting your designer know your preferences at an early stage .
17 Perhaps you know them over the garden wall to speak to you , you might even know their children by name and you know their christian name , but beyond that I think it 's true to say , even making allowance of generation gaps that you do n't know your neighbours in the same way that you knew your neighbours in London .
18 ENGLAND made Denmark eat their words with a brilliant victory in the European basketball championship .
19 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
20 Police say they 'll treat her remarks as a formal complaint .
21 Police say they 'll treat her remarks as a formal complaint .
22 Such a libretto can then be handed to a composer or arranger of music and a designer so that they can make their contributions to the total production .
23 The ratchet , discussed earlier , is nearly always geared to profit and so if the managers take out too much in the early days , they may adversely affect their interests in the medium term .
24 The doctors may broadcast their scripts to a drug-hungry nation like showers of autumn leaves , but they still act as an intolerable bottle-neck between manufacturers and their clients , the latter , poor sods , often not even knowing what wondrous remedies are to hand for the asking .
25 For example , we can not see or touch a computer program running in a computer , all we can do is experience its effects through a peripheral device such as a monitor or a printer .
26 Customers in search of lounge furniture need not restrict their purchases to the conventional combination of settee and two armchairs .
27 And as usual we believe that the Council can deliver its services in a different way , that is by pushing local financial management for schools , competitive tendering in the — there are savings in administration there .
28 Serious naturalists could sprinkle their descriptions of the internal organization of new species with references to the skill of the Creator who had designed such complex living structures .
29 Until that time a baby wo n't hurt its feet in a walking position , they 'll be fairly mobile wo n't they if you think about it , and how does a baby hold its feet when it 's crawling ?
30 The White House said the repression was ‘ totally unjustified ’ and that the US would consult its allies on a co-ordinated response .
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