Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] down to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Only that she did n't want to go down to the sea again . ’
2 You do n't want to go down to the slides yet ?
3 Okay , so when you come to look at these videos , okay , slightly exaggerated but if you go down to court , and you might like to go down to the hall or somewhere locally , you 'll actually find that there are advocates who do what did deliberately wrong and what did deliberately wrong .
4 ‘ Would you like to go down to the kitchen now , Tobermory , ’ asked Lady Blemley politely , ‘ and see if the cook has got your dinner ready ? ’
5 The , if any of the ladies would like to go down to the village or anybody , the church is open and I think there 's somebody there who would welcome you to show you round the church down in the village which , I know , during the war years at different times , quite a lot of you chaps did attend and er so we do hope you will see and , and of course later on I hope you 'll be coming down to mine for a cup of tea .
6 I 'll have to go down to the roundabout and come back up .
7 They said I might have to go down to the police station and be interviewed there later in their inquiries .
8 I think it 'll have to go down to the post office , I 've write to Diane now
9 ‘ Then I will have to walk down to the village and find a mechanic at the garage . ’
10 and because they wo n't break so easily and erm , they 're light because you do n't want to drag down to the floor do you ? basically
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