Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [adv] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You do n't want to work hard for a year establishing your act , get offered a tour , and then find that your drummer wo n't give up his milk round .
2 And we do n't need to look far for the explanation .
3 I can not conceive that the pathologist will trouble to look there for a puncture mark and indeed , prior to that eventuality , it does n't seem likely that the emergency team of paramedics they 'll send out from Brighton General will be well enough acquainted with the action of this drug to hit upon the right antidote in time to prevent her from expiring . ’
4 ‘ I ca n't wait to get home for a drop of rum — I 've really missed that . ’
5 But France adds : ‘ Some can expect to remain there for the rest of their lives .
6 I would like to go just for a trial .
7 When the party ends , how 'd you like to go someplace for a drink ?
8 If he would like to sit there for a while and learn something , I will then cheerfully give way to him .
9 ‘ Would you like to come home for a drink ?
10 Over there they have lots of servants , and her mother asks me if I would like to work there for a year , looking after Charlotte , so that Nicola could come and stay with them .
11 I think he would like to do more for the band but we are completely stupid and like do everything for ourselves .
12 I should like to intervene only for a moment because I have an important constituency interest in that Gatwick , a major inter-national airport , is within my constituency .
13 ‘ If it 's all the same to you , ’ Ruth said , ‘ I 'd like to stay outside for a bit .
14 She did not have to wait long for a train .
15 You will only have to cancel once for the message to be understood .
16 But they did not have to search far for the Bishop 's secretary : as soon as he saw the pageant wagon , he bore down on it .
17 If not , she could try to find somewhere for a cup of tea .
18 ‘ He 'd have to look elsewhere for a vet . ’
19 First , the shot-gun approach involves the buyer saying ‘ Unless you agree immediately to a price reduction of 20% we 'll have to look elsewhere for a supplier . ’
20 As I have argued all along , although a consideration of possible criteria is important in a wider context , the idea of numerical identity can not be literally " defined " in terms of the criteria of re-identification of particulars , which means that we shall have to look elsewhere for an answer to our problem .
21 With the stake firmed in the hole , hold the tree up with a simple string loop , and plant it just as you would for a bush — except that , without the bud to go by , you will have to look carefully for the soil ‘ tide mark ’ where it was growing in the nursery and finish off to that height , with the standard stem about 1½–2 inches ( 4–5cm ) from the stake .
22 It did not attempt to do so for every council in the country .
23 Picture a teenage girl in Morocco for whom premarital loss of virginity is culturally intolerable and who faces the ‘ choice ’ , under male duress , of tolerating anal intercourse , or of submitting to vaginal penetration knowing that she will thereby have to leave home for a life of prostitution ; she may even know that both are related to acquisition of HIV .
24 It had been his first and only history lesson , and throughout their hungry and needy years in Bunarkaig he never lost the sense that they lived under threat , that government was pitiless , and that some day they would have to fight again for the right to live at peace in their own place .
25 It seemed she 'd have to stay here for a while .
26 ‘ I 'll have to stay here for a while on business , ’ my friend the captain told me .
27 ‘ Mr Heathcliff , I 'll have to stay here for the night ! ’
28 He is equally not going to be very happy with hearing that he certainly can have a jetliner on exclusive standby , but will have to pay heavily for the privilege .
29 They will have to reside there for a minimum of one month a year , but this may be waived for up to five years by an annual payment of $5,000 to the Bahamian government .
30 ‘ We 'll turn you in , arrange police protection , perhaps the family 'll have to move away for a while , but — ‘
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