Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The main thing is I do n't want to go back into the private sector unless I absolutely have to .
2 I do not want to go back to the foreign environment of Tbilisi , ’ he said .
3 We should prefer to go along with the European Communitywide scheme so that British industry is not put at a disadvantage .
4 And I did n't want to jump out into the fast-moving darkness without any boots and within range of fifty tommy-guns .
5 I will want to come back on the same point that 's just been made , but if before I get to that there are some other points that I think I should make in explanation of the lead we have given , if I may call it that , in putting forward the distribution of the Greater York total .
6 She just could n't wait to go through with the whole messy , life-destroying business .
7 Under the new policy , anyone working on the twelfth floor will need to go down to the first floor to clock out , to the fourth floor to find a smoking room , down to the first to clock on again and back to the twelfth to carry on working .
8 ‘ You wo n't need to go back into the Little Vestry .
9 I should need to go in on the eleventh to clear up I expect .
10 However , the other category of liability for personal injury or death which the party in default can seek to pass on to the innocent party is that relating to claims made against the party in default by third parties , who have suffered death or personal injury by reason of the negligence of the party in default .
11 He is the only pianist I have ever heard who does not make Balakirev 's Islamey sound clumsy in places , who does not need to slow down for the middle section of Liszt 's Rhapsodie espagnole , and who can play repeated notes faster than a machine-gun can shoot bullets .
12 Nevertheless , both avenues of research do not seek to break out of the basic structure adopted by the traditional method of legitimating the authority of corporate managers .
13 STUART RIPLEY could hardly wait to get back on the Ayresome Park pitch but , once there , was glad to get off again , writes David Alexander .
14 Meantime , the Irish stay sober to win professionally , but their club amateurs ca n't wait to get back to the 19th hole .
15 This Spotlight reports on a survey of 94 adults ( defined as people aged 20 or over ) who fell into this category and looks at what — if anything — providers might do to pick up on the original expression of interest .
16 This is an eminently Basque town and the one I would choose to stay in of the several alternatives along this coast ; it is more intimate than Bayonne , less pompous than Biarritz and livelier than Hendaye .
17 but you do n't expect to get out of the ruddy
18 She hated having to scan it in reverse rather than just rewind to go back to the same sequence the girl had been watching when she came in but Jezrael had n't thought to check the counter .
19 If you would like to help in any way , or would like to go along on the next trip in September , contact Keith Taylor on 1252 29806 .
20 Levels of enquiries are beginning to show some early signs of improvement , but any benefit from this will not begin to flow through until the second quarter of 1993 at the earliest .
21 Another type of chart helps parents begin to stand back from the emotional reactions they have and see what is happening with their child .
22 These ideas are plausible as far as they go , but I find that they do not begin to square up to the formidable challenge of explaining culture , cultural evolution , and the immense differences between human cultures around the world , from the utter selfishness of the Ik of Uganda , as described by Colin Turnbull , to the gentle altruism of Margaret Mead 's Arapesh .
23 It said : ‘ The Princess of Wales would like to single out from the recent wave of misleading reports about the Royal Family assertions in some newspapers this week directed specifically against the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh .
24 It said : ‘ The Princess of Wales would like to single out from the recent wave of misleading reports about the Royal Family the assertions in some newspapers this week directed specifically against the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh .
25 I have the impression that consumers would quite like to get back to the good old days when they used to spend money occasionally , ’ concluded Ainslie Tim .
26 Older women may hesitate to join in with the young , feeling that they may have to ape their manners to be accepted by them .
27 Although , in terms of volume or profitability , such discoveries can not hope to make up for the fading glory of the state 's North Slope field , daily Alaskan production might fall by only a few hundred thousand barrels over the next decade , rather than dwindling away , as some had suggested .
28 ‘ No , I 'd expected it ; he would n't want to start off on the wrong foot . ’
29 Unless you take a different view , our own preference would be to pursue the question of a travelling display as actively as we can , recognising , however , that if it does not prove feasible for reasons of finance and other resources to mount such a display in the foreseeable future we may have to fall back on the reduced-size Barrel Vault display .
30 Thus , we would have to fall back on the anthropic principle to explain why the electron has the mass and charge that it does .
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