Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [art] same [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You will then also need to drill the same contrast in all other positions in which it occurs .
2 Equally , do not expect to find the same fineness of knotting in a nomadic item as in a rug of workshop origin , although some nomadic rugs are surprisingly finely knotted and consistent in their designs .
3 Housewives simply do not expect to work the same hours in the home as they would in an office or factory .
4 I would like to do the same thing to them
5 Daedalus would like to do the same thing for human senses , and DREADCO chemists are now at work on his ‘ contrast-exalting spectacles ’ or ‘ Cexspex ’ ( Regd. ) make of a cunning tinted glass .
6 For the er we 'd really like to do the same thing for the whole weapons system with Eurofighter also but the the premium that eurofighter might demand to cover the risk .
7 Tordjman expects software products to grow faster this year than engineering and systems integration , but he would like to maintain the same division of revenue for the next few years .
8 Tone generators and loudspeakers , however , have to cope with a multitude of frequencies and can not hope to move the same amount of air as the equivalent number of pipes .
9 The very next day , Sunday , I would have to attend the same chapel in its religious function , and the fact that the previous evening it had been a battleground for people who were supposed to be friends and allies , while the ‘ enemy ’ got on with his job uninterrupted outside , led to a more or less permanent confusion in my mind , which I now believe to be totally justified , between violence and religion , and between fact and fancy [ or film ] .
10 It says it 's wrong that a judge should have to pass the same sentence on an abused wife who kills a brutal husband as it does on a robber armed with a shotgun who kills in cold blood .
11 ‘ Do n't try to use the same argument on me !
12 They can work at speed , and make several passes in less time than it would take to plough the same area with mould-board equipment .
13 He was disgusted by Pete , but they would have to share the same space for years .
14 You do n't have to have the same kind of bathwater . ’
15 In fact , she 'll have to eat the same amount of calories as Mary — rather than what she ate before — or she 'll eventually regain the lost weight .
16 Erm again you know with the subject matter , provided you can find stuff that does tend to cover the same sort of s topics erm it does n't really
17 Due to limitations of space I 've only shown these using thirds , but do n't forget to apply the same ideas to sixths as well , and in in both ascending and descending directions .
18 erm and and ladies perhaps would tend to do the same sort of thing .
19 It is quite surprising how many of my particular clients do take out that particular plan and they do tend to mention the same type of er of benefits that y that er that you just mentioned there , it is er I think it is a good plan , universally appreciated .
20 They share experiences , but they do n't seem to share the same memories of them .
21 I did n't ever seem to get the same sort of satisfaction out of getting something to balance properly as I did out of seeing a patient recover , which was something you 'd helped them to do .
22 But I have been quite fascinated to see that the youngsters today do not seem to have the same interest in reading the paper .
23 still in , in one way , in European and North American situations women do seem to have the same sort of job opportunities as men do what about somewhere like Africa what about the West Coast of Africa , we talked about Nigeria and West Africa quite a lot , what about women involved in there ?
24 They are also relatively stable across contexts : for instance , a topless swim-suit would seem to exemplify the same sense of topless as ( a ) , and a topless barmaid the same as ( b ) .
25 Violence again propelled Northern Ireland into the national news headlines , but it did not seem to make the same impact at Stormont Castle , RUC headquarters at Brooklyn or Army headquarters in Lisburn .
26 Perhaps you have noticed that they do n't seem to feel the same way about you .
27 Poppa , if … if he did come to feel the same way about me , would you mind ?
28 But she wondered if , even given time and the success that she was hoping for , he might ever come to feel the same way about her .
29 Nonetheless , guidance of our approval and disapproval by the principle of utility is the only serious option for those who wish to base them on ascertainable facts to which we can all come to attach the same kind of importance .
30 It can be argued that such mothers may not develop protective IgG antibodies and may continue to carry the same strain of group B streptococcus .
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