Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [pron] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After all , he had been working on the theory for twenty years , and did not want to see himself scooped by an outsider .
2 How dear Maisie , or Natalia , and certainly Emma , would laugh to see him enslaved by an ankle after their more generous gifts of person yet enslaved he was .
3 ‘ You write the specifications for her repairs , and I 'll guarantee to have them done at the best boatyard in America . ’
4 An and I must admit that I would n't , I would not expect to see anybody delegated within the contract at less than M S one level .
5 We did what we could but , ideally , I 'd like to see him moved to a proper unit , specialising in orthopaedics .
6 Parents who fork out one a year for expensive games would not have to see them abandoned in the cupboard and teenagers could have a dozen games a year at pocket money prices .
7 Here , and around the edges of a patio , you 'll probably want to have them wired to a permanently fixed outdoor socket .
8 Michael must have wondered why I 'd come to visit him disguised as a zebra .
9 ‘ I can arrange to have it buried in a motorway tonight , unless anybody has a better idea ? ’
10 An elegant back view ca n't fail to get you noticed in a crowd
11 ‘ Even though the poll tax has only two months to go , we 'll continue to defend anyone threatened with the brutality of the sheriff officers in keeping up our 100 per cent record on stopping warrant sales . ’
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