Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 My Better Half 's always maintained , and I agree with him , if they do n't want to go to the Church then we wo n't force them .
2 This usually takes the form of a burning pain when you pass water and the feeling you want to go to the toilet more often than usual .
3 This usually takes the form of a burning pain when you pass water and the feeling you want to go to the toilet more often than usual .
4 KENNETH CLARK SAID at the time of World War Two , ‘ The average artist will want to go to the Front not simply out of curiosity or bravado , but because he may there discover some of that emotional stimulus on a grand scale which is inevitably lacking from his everyday life . ’
5 KENNETH CLARK SAID at the time of World War Two , ‘ The average artist will want to go to the Front not simply out of curiosity or bravado , but because he may there discover some of that emotional stimulus on a grand scale which is inevitably lacking from his everyday life . ’
6 On the one hand , says Freud , there 's a strong desire to go on sleeping , but on the other hand there 's this stimulus , I 'm terribly thirsty or you know I , I , I , I really do need to go to the bathroom pretty badly , and there 's an inner conflict in your mind .
7 Do you need to go to the toilet again before you go to sleep ?
8 You 'll probably need to go to the toilet soon .
9 The patient should not be allowed to drink too much , as he would need to go to the toilet too often .
10 It 's a quality he 'll need to cultivate in the days ahead . ’
11 It means that Carrie wo n't need to work on the farm quite so often … ’
12 If you think you will need to write during the interview then attach your notes to a clipboard .
13 I do n't need to dwell on the journey back to Jesselton , or her funeral or the hours of anguished talks about what everybody was called " the accident " .
14 You may need to fiddle with the valves quite a bit to get the right balance between the different outlets .
15 and erm , but the Commission , I 'm , I 'm sure if your Lordship asked for expedition , would seek to deal with the matter expeditiously
16 Oh no , her mother 's opinion had been , if Jessie did n't want to serve in the shops then she could help with the housework and learn to cook , and so save Maggie Rice 's half week 's wage of six and threepence , for Maggie was on what her mother called half-days , which started at eight and finished at one .
17 The resolution included a guarantee of rights and liberties to all residents of Latvia in accordance with international norms of human rights , and stated that after independence residents could choose to remain in the republic either as USSR or Latvian citizens .
18 If you started from the insect , and jumped like a demented flea half a trillion times , you could expect to arrive at the fox once .
19 What do you expect to happen in the Tigers tonight ?
20 ‘ I 'd like to go under the machines instead of you . ’
21 I would like to go to the town today , and she 's awfully she 's no the day and they tend to go up at the end .
22 I 'd like to go to the missions abroad , Thérèse mused : that would be the most exciting .
23 No I think this is board meeting and as a board I think were interested to get your points of view what is n't taken place that you 'd liked to take place and what you 'd like to see in the future well and that 's why the meetings been convened .
24 " Do n't ever dare to come into the garden again , " he ordered , with the same violence in his voice .
25 Oh yes , I mean , if anybody would like to come to the presentation tonight , I do have an invitation .
26 Details have still to be finalised and if there are any choreographers who would like to work with the team please contact June Bascombe .
27 Many fishkeepers prefer to add the gravel first , so they can see to work in the tank straight away .
28 Erm but I would , as I say , I would like to hear from the county on .
29 Those words I would like to put on the record where on an earlier sheet that somehow or other have disappeared from the current Order Paper .
30 John Power if you 'd like to stay on the line just a moment , because I 've got another gentleman who wants to actually talk about that , it 's Les erm calling from Oxford — hello Les .
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