Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't want to quarrel in front of Flora — it seemed humiliating over something so small — so I said , ‘ Well , it 's just that they seemed so happy and fond of each other .
2 ( Who 'd want to go to bed with roses anyway , what a mad idea ! ) ’
3 you do n't want to go to bed with knots in your hair
4 Do you want to go to bed with Daddy ?
5 There are no real features — a low relief gangway here , a slashed crack there , a stiffening of angle at two thirds height seize the imagination of the guide-writer more than that of the viewing climber , who will want to go from bottom to top by the smoothest and straightest way .
6 Not only will you want to know about basics like salaries and pensions , but you will also want to find out as much as possible about the firm and its product and methods .
7 The kids did n't want to know about life outside Battle Creek .
8 BARNSLEY trainer Steve Norton ca n't wait to go off talent-hunting to America again in a fortnight 's time .
9 However , if you are unable to seek professional help , do read one of the following really excellent books which will tell you everything you will ever need to know about healing through diet : Leslie Kenton 's Biogenic Diet and Celia Wright 's The Wright Diet .
10 The share of profits was able to rise quickly because real wages did not need to grow in line with productivity .
11 What do we need to ensure in terms of pitch when we 're speaking to a group of people ?
12 Firstly , there is the provision that ‘ DHAs will need to allow for referrals by GPs to hospitals with whom no contracts have been placed , keeping some funds in reserve for this purpose ’ ( DoH , 1989a , para.4.24 ) , which is designed to overcome objections to the loss of GP freedom resultant on the Type I system .
13 The new parent is often unprepared and may need to turn to books for help wit the words and games needed for those periods of child bouncing , rocking , and cuddling .
14 Depending on what profile you want to achieve , you may also need to improvise with lengths of dowel or similar implements .
15 Galtung goes on to suggest that social science needs a much richer conception of what constitutes the social unit , bearing in mind that these may well need to change from society to society .
16 You can use DATA in conjunction with READ to include data in your program which you may need to change from time to time , but which does not need to be different every time you run the program .
17 Maybe one of her children would need to stay in hospital for weeks — could she cope ?
18 What factors do we need to take into account in order to put our analysis in context ?
19 ‘ Zero defects ’ are the goal that suppliers must strive to achieve in terms of quality .
20 The growth of wheat , the birth of a lamb , the movement of clouds , put him in awe of nature : the locomotive he sees as man 's response : the switch and throttle are his magic wands … the girl may come to the science lesson with a less eager curiosity than the boy , but she too will need to feel at home with machinery .
21 He does n't want to talk to John about Disneyland , but knows he must .
22 Peter Robinson , a Democratic Unionist MP , said people were sceptical of ‘ the idea of rogue cops going around to take out IRA terrorists — it 's the sort of stuff you might expect to see on television with Clint Eastwood ’ .
23 On 16 September 1938 Lipski reported to Warsaw that Göring had said that without Poland Danzig could not expect to survive on trade from East Prussia .
24 Lastly you might choose to rely on advice to farmers and fertiliser manufacturers .
25 The construction is , of course , that of the ordinary attributive adjective , the adjective which is the exponent in observable syntax of the subordinate property in the intensional structure : The essentials of the notation , for any who have taken the option of arriving at this point direct from the beginning of Section 1.2 , are as follows : The basic elements in constructing linguistic expressions are assumed to be two : E = entity notion ; and P = property notion The basic relations have these symbols : = = equation ; = qualification = assignment The direction of the arrow and the arrowhead indicates which is the major and which the subordinate item in the formula ; it does not refer to order of appearance in surface form .
26 Sun Life did not know before the move how many employees would choose to relocate from London to Bristol although , at the end of the exercise ( which was phased to ease potential business problems ) , 500 staff moved with the company .
27 You 'd bloody like to go on holiday to America and they come back with an American accent I could shoot people who do that .
28 Possibly it was when she 'd said how much she 'd like to go to school in Vienna and learn how to dance .
29 As part of its drive to improve the standard of service to taxpayers under the Citizen 's Charter , the Inland Revenue commissioned a survey in June to find out what taxpayers thought of the existing service and what they would like to see by way of improvement .
30 Ann Mobbs , what is it that you would like to see in terms of change for men ?
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