Example sentences of "[vb infin] [coord] [verb] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Uproar then , and shouts of : ‘ The nigger 's got th'measure , short-arse … fist like a cannon ball … who 'll have twopence on him to win … ’ as the crowd heaved Garty to his feet , helped him round and sent him flying back towards Midnight .
2 Now let me try and do it joined up writing like you do it .
3 And said we 'll try and get something sorted out before you babysit on the nineteenth .
4 Let's go and get you brushed off .
5 Let's go and get you brushed off .
6 Usually I did this by writing to people asking if I might come and see them to find out how they were getting on .
7 Now let's be honest here put yourself in their situation , the obvious thing in the storm and th the water comes crashing over , well you do n't really want to fill the boat with water so you start bailing the water out , when you realize you 're not gon na be successful cos more is coming in than you can get out and the storm is not abating , you would naturally get agitated and if for nothing else , at least you can come and help us to bail out !
8 Not much help to you , I know , but why should I fib and say I walked in ?
9 As such places went it was a clean , respectably furnished room , but it was a ‘ transient ’ all the same and , looking at him , she could not help but think he looked out of place there .
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