Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] as a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The loop could act only as a monitor to be interrogated in the case of breakdown of comprehension .
2 Rather , they can act only as a guide to decision making by making the assumptions underlying the decisions explicit .
3 For them stations would act principally as a means of access to the labour market in mines , farms , and towns , not as a route to the world market for their produce .
4 The unity of the discipline is to some extent an external facade , a matter of appearance ; from the inside , it may appear rather as a constellation of specialisms , more or less closely related .
5 The labour which rural families can devote to export crops will not grow significantly as a proportion of the total and — except where export crops have a very high value , as in the case of horticulture — they will grow only slowly , if at all .
6 Rectal discharge may occur rarely as a result of infection of the back passage , but again infection of this site is usually asymptomatic .
7 It showed how categorisation by discipline installations , painting , photography and so on can still work effectively as a way of organising an exhibition .
8 If these forms were not internalized as habitual mental patterns independent of thought , they could not be readily accessed and language could not function effectively as a means of thinking and communicating .
9 At the same time , all EC currencies would move together as a bloc within the 4½ per cent Smithsonian band of fluctuation against the dollar ( the ‘ tunnel ’ ) .
10 It may be that that individual does not function normally as a consequence of the sensory deprivation .
11 James would take the opportunity to tour , but could n't sign simply as a by-product of The Smiths .
12 We like to think of you not as clients , but as guests , or as you may well discover even as a part of the family .
13 That class would vote solidly as a class for candidates representative of that class , and since it made up a clear majority of the population , what could stand in the way of its political ascendancy ?
14 It has been estimated that out of 1,000 young UK smokers of 20 or more cigarettes a day , one will be murdered , 6 will die in road accidents and 250 will die prematurely as a result of their smoking [ 8 ] .
15 Touche Ross has drawn attention to the fact that the amounts attributable to individual players can fluctuate rapidly as a result of selection policy , personal form/injury , international representation and other matters .
16 It needs to be appreciated that pupils with defective vision may respond inappropriately as a result of missing visual detail , for instance the facial expression and body gestures of others .
17 To give an example , incest may exist simply as a prohibition at the level of the formal system but at the practical level , breaches of the prohibition are explained , joked about or criticized .
18 ( The assertion of ) national interests can serve only as a means of deception , of betraying the working masses of the people to their deadly enemy , imperialism .
19 ‘ The next parliament will not serve merely as a forum for making political statements but rather as a national institute in which we will all take part in formulating the country 's policies , ’ he said on television before leaving on a three-nation tour as part of Middle East peace efforts .
20 ‘ Always I have let my horn cry at setting forth , and though thereafter we may walk in the shadows , 1 will not go forth as a thief in the night . ’
21 The lines quoted , for instance , lead directly into a portrait of Alessandro de Medici as a personification of abuleia , with more than one indication that it will serve also as a portrait of Henry James :
22 But the text could serve equally as a tribute to the man himself .
23 As we have seen in this chapter , however , the newcomers , no matter how monolithic and undifferentiated they may seem to the locals , are composed of a number of identifiably separate urban middle-class groups — commuters , weekend cottagers , holiday-home dwellers , retired couples — among whom the village may vary considerably as a centre of their social activities .
24 The idea of a youth employment service , however , did not figure prominently as a solution to the problem , probably because social scientists did not begin to examine the possibilities of labour exchanges until after 1905 .
25 The people who will suffer most as a result of the Conservative election victory are not , by and large , readers of this magazine .
26 There , the large number of small employers might combine together as a defence against an otherwise predominantly unilateral union imposition of terms .
27 Were they to be realised , patronage might not disappear entirely but it would wither substantially as a result of being seen as increasingly unnecessary and underhand .
28 The ratio can rise either as a result of an increase in OM or through a fall in P. The only route through which OM can rise is a temporary budget deficit financed by the issue of fiat money .
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