Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [adv] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If only the population could just manage , by random drift , to get itself over the knife-edge , it could coast down the slope to the Tit for Tat side , and everyone would do much better at the banker 's ( or ‘ nature 's ’ ) expense .
2 The prince said he would do so only at the head of an army of 60,000 men ; the parlement pronounced him a contumacious vassal , and sentenced him to loss of the duchy .
3 To understand the basis of this division , we should look more closely at the construction of organisms .
4 Let us look more closely at the Government 's argument .
5 To appreciate fully the origin of these offences we must look more closely at the kind of theories held by the pupils .
6 We shall look more closely at the relationship between the dramatic playing and performance modes in the next chapter .
7 We will therefore look more closely at the idea of ‘ managing ’ conflict .
8 Let us look more closely at the football hooligans themselves .
9 In chapter 3 I shall look more closely at the impact of these demographic patterns on the need for support from relatives .
10 I do not accept that , but we should look more carefully at the way in which we spend money on tobacco .
11 To understand the reasons behind that agreement we must look more loosely at the context in which it was made .
12 Full-time training at agricultural colleges , universities , or other specialized establishments can provide a much deeper knowledge of the theory of farming , but you should look very carefully at the syllabus to ensure that it covers subjects germane to practical smallholding before enrolling on a course .
13 I would suggest that , leaving aside permanence achieved by return home to the child 's natural parents , relatives or close friends , and permanence in some cases achieved by residential care ( and I think we should look very carefully at the work of the Children 's Family Trust and at the Ockenden Venture , where results are extremely promising ) , there are sixteen different routes to achieving permanent family placement with substitute families .
14 And also last Friday at education committee there was a long debate , both on the procedure which would be adopted by the working party , in discharging it 's remit and in particular the policy which it recommended regarding small schools , and also an extended debate on one of the areas which was a subject of recommendation by the er , district auditor which concerns the organisation of first and middle schooling in the Meer area , and there the working party did look very specifically at the recommendation that was made by the district auditor that decided on balance that that was n't likely to produce the best and most cost effective education in that part of the county .
15 While he did n't score very well at The Belfry , you could see he was tuning up .
16 Although it did n't sell very well at the time it is significant because it was the first to be published in English using the naming system which we use today . ’
17 And I thought I was gon na go , go home early at the end of the second semester cos I 'd have my exams .
18 You 'll care as little at the climax ( in fact the three climaxes — the tragic one , the Scooby Doo happy one and the moral-at-the-end one ) as you did at the inception .
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