Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] do " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He has enough sauce for a king 's fool , but impudence I can stomach so long as I do n't have to ride something that big on my own . ’
2 What character , the character that Kevin Cosner played in Dances With Wolves , have n't got a clue , this is not fair cos you 're making us fall further behind if we do n't know the answer
3 You should know as well as I do the public can be a very difficult master ! ’
4 Dana did not shave as often as I did .
5 It should be noted that ( a ) where the accused 's behaviour falls within s.2(1) , Ghosh is irrelevant : Wootton , above ; ( b ) that the accused may act dishonestly even though he did something which the civil law allows him to do , such as retain the overpayment of a bet ( Gilks [ 1972 ] 1 WLR 1341 ) ; and ( c ) that as a result of Lawrence v DPP , above , a person may be dishonest despite the fact that the owner has consented to the appropriation .
6 Not only do we not usually think of Snell 's law when we try to net a fish or tickle a trout , but we could not use it to help us do so even if we did .
7 I knew I could do well academically and I did it as a challenge to the conventional idea of the black kid who 's good at sports , yet with no brains .
8 This question allows for the possibility of an actual mistake , big or small , as well as acknowledging that you can always do even better than you did .
9 I mean I 'm gon na try and give , the first two guys and er Mike who came in , they did n't do very well cos they did n't actually mention that bit and it did n't flow from then on , you 've got ta make the point , you know , did you find that er well not did you , that 's bad phraseology , I 'm sure you found this beneficial which of the areas of the five tonight actually interest you the most do that bit and then go in with the fact that you actually mentioned earlier on that you do work on a recommendation basis .
10 You two 'd stick together even if you did n't agree would n't you ?
11 It does not necessarily work as quickly as it did in Sylvia 's case — but it always succeeds , provided the patient does his or her homework regularly and conscientiously .
12 If Lindsay had notes — well tough — it 's because he does n't believe as readily as I do what people say to me .
13 I ca n't cook or clean because you all do that , I do n't even sew very well because you do it better , I ca n't play or draw , not really — ’
14 Sometimes he looked round the Park to see if he might move somewhere else but he did not like to start a flight with so many Men staring at him all at once .
15 Silvikrin use a special blend of polymers in their Active Care styling range and explain that these polymers consist of string of carbon which link together to form a coating on the hair to protect it but will wash away easily so they do n't build up and dull shine .
16 Without the work of these dedicated men and women the Church could not progress as rapidly as it does .
17 She 'd never seen anyone move as fast as he did when he put poor old Dan Pearson on his back .
18 Elinor was sometimes at a loss for the right word , or name , and then became impatient with herself ; she was often frustrated because she could n't move as swiftly as she did before .
19 Such a population , especially if the average size of a family continues to diminish , calls for more looking after , medically and physically , than an equal population of lower average age : it does not die so cheaply and it does not , medically speaking , survive so cheaply .
20 We can only hope that common sense will prevail more quickly than it did in the previous instance .
21 Other readers may respond more positively than I do to these over-leisurely presumptions on their interest .
22 Whether it should happen as often as it does is open to doubt .
23 Will the outswinger still swing as late as it did last summer ? ’
24 You 'll go just now if you do n't stop .
25 Which is one of the reasons , by the way , why another thing you will get murdered for in the er workshops is taking two hammers and hitting the heads against each other , because they 're hardened and y they may well shatter quite explosively if you do that .
26 ‘ I 'd go again today if it did n't mean waiting in line till a month from Monday , ’ said USA Today reviewer Mike Clark .
27 She 'll stay there even if she does n't like it because she 's got to provide for them .
28 erm If United can play as well as they did this afternoon and Oldham perform as well as we know they can , we 're in for a really tremendous game of football .
29 If Jason Peake can regularly play as well as he did on his debut on loan from Filbert Street on Saturday , Pool need to sign him quickly .
30 ‘ I did n't play particularly well and I did n't play particularly badly .
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