Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes she would climax first , sometimes he , and on good nights they would explode together so that they felt the same tingling in the very tips of their toes and even then he 'd had to remember to withdraw — just in case .
2 According to Andrew , Eleanor 's verdict was that a woman would act less wisely if she chose the less worthy one .
3 Wickham said they would know soon enough because he had sent someone to ask Ayling .
4 Now he knows I am here he may be more careful , or he may act more quickly than he had planned . ’
5 First , instead of the size of the pool being determined solely by the demands made upon it by the local authorities , the global sum to be spent on advanced further education would be determined by the AFEC in consultation with the DES after it received estimates of expenditure from the local authorities in respect of the provision of higher education within their boundaries , on the grounds that the local authority would behave more responsibly if it paid a proportion of the cost rather than reclaiming all of it from the pool .
6 They 'd approve still less if they knew what it was about , thought Zen .
7 Dana did not shave as often as I did .
8 It should be noted that ( a ) where the accused 's behaviour falls within s.2(1) , Ghosh is irrelevant : Wootton , above ; ( b ) that the accused may act dishonestly even though he did something which the civil law allows him to do , such as retain the overpayment of a bet ( Gilks [ 1972 ] 1 WLR 1341 ) ; and ( c ) that as a result of Lawrence v DPP , above , a person may be dishonest despite the fact that the owner has consented to the appropriation .
9 I I the way I s I think I think was it Josephine he was married to , then then she would er she would object very strongly if he had a bath before they went to bed together .
10 Not only do we not usually think of Snell 's law when we try to net a fish or tickle a trout , but we could not use it to help us do so even if we did .
11 The caff now seems to have more customers than the railway , and would do better still if they cleared the tables .
12 She 's just come out of Saint Mary 's did n't do as well as she thought , or everybody else hoped she would do in her A levels , so is now retaking one .
13 For several months the Hong Kong Sevens waited , hoping that the country 's two rugby bodies would unite as quickly as they had in some other sports — most notably cricket .
14 Those countries which were protesting about the repatriation would do far better if they offered to take some of the boat people themselves .
15 I knew I could do well academically and I did it as a challenge to the conventional idea of the black kid who 's good at sports , yet with no brains .
16 This question allows for the possibility of an actual mistake , big or small , as well as acknowledging that you can always do even better than you did .
17 It did n't show too badly when he finished the race with several layers of clothing on to try and retain some body heat in the cold driving rain .
18 I mean I 'm gon na try and give , the first two guys and er Mike who came in , they did n't do very well cos they did n't actually mention that bit and it did n't flow from then on , you 've got ta make the point , you know , did you find that er well not did you , that 's bad phraseology , I 'm sure you found this beneficial which of the areas of the five tonight actually interest you the most do that bit and then go in with the fact that you actually mentioned earlier on that you do work on a recommendation basis .
19 " I would work much harder if you came now and then so that I could tell you of my progress . "
20 You two 'd stick together even if you did n't agree would n't you ?
21 He 'd run away repeatedly as he 'd got older , never with anywhere to go but just anxious to be free of the confining walls and restrictive atmosphere .
22 ‘ You did n't really think I 'd run away just because you tore up a few of my clothes , did you ? ’
23 It does not necessarily work as quickly as it did in Sylvia 's case — but it always succeeds , provided the patient does his or her homework regularly and conscientiously .
24 He could see quite clearly as he climbed the hill out of the village .
25 Sometimes he looked round the Park to see if he might move somewhere else but he did not like to start a flight with so many Men staring at him all at once .
26 She 'd never seen anyone move as fast as he did when he put poor old Dan Pearson on his back .
27 Elinor was sometimes at a loss for the right word , or name , and then became impatient with herself ; she was often frustrated because she could n't move as swiftly as she did before .
28 AT present the family have no plans for returning to England in 1997 , but I think they could decide pretty quickly if they needed to .
29 For a powerful man , he could move very quietly when he had to .
30 But to be told that he could not make it was to be told that this gift could disappear as unpredictably as it had arrived .
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