Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [adj] [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Chapter 12 will consider more comprehensive arrangements for participation in decision making by the group whose interests are most intimately bound up with the company , the employees .
2 But their children , born into small cohorts , will themselves experience comparatively favourable opportunities for promotion , recruitment , and wage increase .
3 The EC Commission has proposed a directive on data protection , which may have extremely restrictive implications for fund-raising by art bodies .
4 This would produce significantly increased charges for depreciation , which in Local Authority No. 3 would simply lead to significant cash surpluses .
5 All the letters suggest different ways in which the Bill can be improved , but if we accept this awful timetable motion tonight a Bill of nearly 100 clauses will have very limited time for discussion , and the guillotine will fall in Committee .
6 Some models might seem particularly good value for money when you see the price tag , but end up being an expensive option once you 've added on all the ‘ optional extras ’ you need .
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