Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [prep] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Both laboratory experiments and numerical simulations have demonstrated that plumes can arise only at a boundary between convective regimes , such as that between the Earth 's core and mantle at a depth of 2,900 km .
2 If he returned home in the evening he would sometimes dine with John Hayward but , since Hayward was an inveterate diner-out , he would often eat alone from a tray on his knees .
3 The loop could act only as a monitor to be interrogated in the case of breakdown of comprehension .
4 Rather , they can act only as a guide to decision making by making the assumptions underlying the decisions explicit .
5 The Frenchman , before turning to her sons , let his glance fall pointedly for a moment to the swell of her breasts tightly bodiced beneath a new Fifth Avenue day dress of sheer white silk chiffon ; then he smiled secretly at her again and this undisguised expression of passionate interest brought a faint flush to her face .
6 Using EBG , one might observe just one species , a sparrow , and deduce that any bird with short wings and a short beak could survive comfortably on a diet of seeds and insects .
7 Elementals often appear as a moving light or a change in temperature , or they may take the form of an animal or bird and make it behave oddly for a period of time .
8 For them stations would act principally as a means of access to the labour market in mines , farms , and towns , not as a route to the world market for their produce .
9 Interview schedules can fall anywhere on a scale from the completely structured to the completely unstructured , and many include questions of several types within the same schedule .
10 However , each represents a recognisable stage of achievement , so that the student can build progressively towards a range of demanding and useful competences .
11 Mind you , I suspect she 'll only stay ashore for a couple of hours , but that 's better than nothing at all . ’
12 Nothing could stay outside on a night like this .
13 The unity of the discipline is to some extent an external facade , a matter of appearance ; from the inside , it may appear rather as a constellation of specialisms , more or less closely related .
14 The aim of Heidrick and Struggles ' approach is to build a team that can truly work and integrate together over a number of years .
15 Instead of a plot of intertwined complication , which would do nicely for a book in which its unravelling was the whole of the matter , you might well find that a plot which consisted of only one major twist or deception would suit you best .
16 Despite the ominous row of trespassing hatchbacks , we saw nobody on the ridge at all , and luxuriated in the surprising solitude that one should n't expect so near a town like Fort William , which grows more like a Highland Gorbals every day .
17 Batts may have been set up or mis quoted something which I 'm sure the press would never intentionally do especially against a team like us who they all love .
18 Moreover , if the tables are to be turned , the USSR will do so at a time of her choosing , rather than wait for the hour of maximum danger to herself .
19 Those of us who believe that our future and national interest lie in such a course do not do so in a spirit of emotional faith or constitutional adventurism ; rather , we take a hard-headed view of where our economic interests lie and where the money will come from in the years ahead .
20 When the time came to act in Algeria , he could then do so from a position of strength rather than weakness .
21 ‘ I reckon , though , that James and I would probably do better with a dose of that injection you 've just given Sandy . ’
22 Remember , even if you do not have any specific ailments you will still benefit greatly from a course of lessons , perhaps preventing much pain or discomfort later on in life .
23 For example , a site may consist largely of a number of postholes , all dating to the Neolithic period .
24 On her unlucky nights she really would benefit enormously from a gift of blood .
25 It will do now in a couple of years time .
26 The slightest alteration in the chemical balance would result immediately in a race of exploded beetles .
27 It will grow well in a mixture of mud and unwashed sand or gravel .
28 The submerged form will grow well in a mixture of unwashed sand .
29 Most seemed to know what one should do there in a variety of situations in order to be an accepted member .
30 Thus the term " criterion " can refer either to a description of the knowledge and skills possessed by the learner or the score which has to be reached in order to qualify for the description .
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