Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Kathy Page makes us think afresh about the lies that bind and the barriers that separate .
2 But do we really know enough about the whys and wherefores of racism ?
3 Those leafing through their history books for an earlier model for the current recession could linger fruitfully over the pages that cover the 1870s .
4 Omar assured us that the Somalis he had engaged would wait contentedly with the camels until we turned up .
5 One of the main gains from the GIST project has been the clarification of what is meant by a ‘ girl friendly ’ , science , that is a science which will appeal equally to the interests and concerns of girls as well as boys . [ … ]
6 They get it into their heads that their fund-raising dinner for Hypothermic Pensioners In High Rise Blocks In Portsmouth will fall apart at the seams if Dillie Keane is n't there .
7 Is it that you may actually have lost fat but the loss may not show much on the scales because you are retaining water .
8 Finally , if he was prepared to visit Sanders to make the appointment , why not do so for the lessons as well ? ’
9 ‘ I should be sorry for him if he did not land more in the thorns than in the flowers — that 's all . ’
10 What I mean is , you can choose now in the mornings whether you 're going to be Marie Antoinette or a plumber 's mate .
11 Section 24 lays down the basic default rules as to the interests and duties of partners subject to their special agreements : The interests of partners in the partnership property and their rights and duties in relation to the partnership shall be determined , subject to any agreement express or implied between the partners , by the following rules : ( 1 ) All the partners are entitled to share equally in the capital and profits of the business , and must contribute equally towards the losses whether of capital or otherwise sustained by the firm .
12 Then I can look right over the woods and see where they are ! ’
13 From its leafy canopy he could see right over the gardens and the wilderness of the lower grounds to the rows of cobbled streets on the far side of the beck wall .
14 And I could see right across the fields and right across the Menai Straits onto Beaumarais .
15 What began as an exotic flirtation with the Other , a pop foray into a perceived Heart of Darkness , soon turned into a full-blown dance initiative in those irony-clad years of 1980–81 , with everyone from Japan to ABC to Cabaret Voltaire to Spandau Ballet to Heaven 17 conspiring to venture a white funk whose snappiness was a jeer at the indies , a white funk that would saunter easily into the charts and every other public place and , with their manifestos , make them better places to be .
16 Was it true ? she demanded of the silly girl : that she 'd run away from the boys when they were only trying to be friendly ?
17 ‘ Angling does not feature prominently within the sports and social activities within the brewery , ’ said Steve .
18 When in working position , the brushes should run just above the needles and immediately in front of the sinkers .
19 We will all look carefully at the conclusions that it draws from its work and from the evidence submitted to it .
20 If a customer 's circumstances change adversely for reasons beyond the customer 's control , the finance company will look sympathetically at the circumstances and will try , subject to any restrictions placed upon it by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 , to reach an accommodation with the customer to pay off the outstanding balance in a practicable manner .
21 We 're discussing this morning , and I 'll run briefly through the subjects that we have been discussing this morning for the er , new listeners .
22 The design , colours used and decor of the reception area will depend entirely on the tastes and policies of each individual hotel or group of hotels .
23 Tania Modleski , arguing within the specific context of women 's work and the forms of daytime television , has suggested the ways in which an interruptable , segmented television narrational time might flow smoothly into the interruptions and segmented structures of a particular form of the domestic everyday , generic form nesting easily into the rhythms of everyday reception .
24 In fact you need never move far from the apartments as there is a pizzeria on the corner , a supermarket and plenty of cafés close by .
25 This can be understood by assuming that the neutrons do not mix uniformly with the protons but tend to form a skin on the surface of the nucleus .
26 There is no reason , however , why the restriction should apply only to the elements that A holds in common with C and not those that it holds in common with B. That is , the overshadowing mechanism , if it operates , should reduce generalization both from A to C and from A to B. It can not , therefore , be responsible for the result obtained .
27 Do n't dwell only on the horrors and dreadful effects of drugs .
28 You can approach close to the beaches and also cross the reef where necessary . ’
29 This does not mean , however , that Elizabeth has no freedom of action at all ; it is simply that her actions must stay well within the bounds that society has placed on her .
30 He said : ‘ The politics of selective condemnation will mean little to the victims or the families of the victims of the IRA operation .
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