Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] into [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In terms of the concepts outlined above we could express Marx 's views thus : the economic class of proletarians ( propertyless sellers of labour power ) will necessarily become increasingly homogeneous in respect of income levels and conditions of life and work ; this will result in the increasing ‘ non-pertinence ’ of social collectivities based on branch of industry , religion , nationality , sex etc. , and the increasing pertinence of the social collectivity coterminous with the proletariat itself ; eventually as a result of the process of struggle this social collectivity will become organised into a corporate body — the trade union movement — and a political force : the communist movement or party .
2 In a similar manner , if cells of the sponge ( the bath sponge is the skeleton laid down by the sponge ) are separated into a random mixture of individual cells they will actively move around and become reorganized into a normal sponge , with the cells in the correct relationship with one another .
3 Whereas most novel beliefs can become anchored into the cultural patterns of common sense , there is something special about the transmission of scientific ideas in the modern age .
4 Not surprisingly , therefore , entrepreneurs and managers can become locked into an existing company structure which may perform not particularly well but adequately enough to survive , or to survive while its position is steadily being undermined by import penetration .
5 A hazard is a threat which , given a set of circumstances , may become translated into a realized event .
6 ‘ I was hoping it would have developed into a serious relationship , ’ he says , a line Best will recognise .
7 If the Scud attacks had provoked Israel into entering the war , experts say it could have developed into a global conflict .
8 At best it seems , a national strike would have developed into a bitter war of attrition which the unions , with their meagre resources , could only have lost .
9 If he were not a mere creature of my mind I imagine he would by now have fallen into a dangerous sleep of despair and exhaustion , frozen in a little car outside a small cottage he is too fearful to enter .
10 In spite of falling into bed feeling wide awake and convinced she would be awake for hours , she must have fallen into a deep sleep that had lasted for all of ten minutes !
11 If Tess had moved in his arms , they would both have fallen into the dangerous water .
12 The door opened unexpectedly , and he would have fallen into the dark kitchen were it not for the fact that after four inches it jarred and stuck .
13 ‘ But somehow , they became rooted in the reserves , whereas we felt they should have zoomed into the premier league and joined the elite of beat . ’
14 You could have vanished into a Scotch mist and taken a boat to one of the Western Isles — with all the plate and linen , etc. , etc. — for all I am aware .
15 No , I should not have moved into the second Person .
16 Some have intimated that these contacts , while not illegal , raise suspicions that the superfund 's huge cache for money may have turned into a political slush-fund , spread around to fertilise the candidates of loyal Republicans .
17 It could have turned into an ugly ruck pretty quickly .
18 Scanning the names of judges , senior policemen , politicians , journalists and hoodlums , together with the abrupt manner of their disposal — shot , strangled , dissolved in acid , fed to pigs — the reader is left in little doubt that , although today 's Mafia may have grown into a global enterprise , it is still a long way from joining the ranks of the world 's leading multinationals .
19 ‘ And he could have got into the other parts ?
20 They could n't have got into the main part of the school .
21 The speaker was an ambitious young graduate , seeking accelerated promotion and not pleased at the notion he might have got into an accident-prone unit .
22 He could scarcely have packed into a single letter more matter offensive to the ideals of the reformed papacy .
23 There was an element of choice in Sukarno 's arrest ; he could have escaped into the surrounding countryside , but he awaited capture , perhaps calculating that in arresting him the Dutch were outraging international opinion .
24 It was unfortunate for Virgin that in applying for ‘ exemption ’ to fly into America they should have walked into a simmering row between the American and British governments over the British refusal to allow PanAm to operate a third frequency across the Atlantic .
25 There is no good intellectual reason why the study of the British constitution should have slipped into the static sterility of the constitutional approach .
26 He accepted Christianity when the missionary Poppo proved the efficacy of the Christian god by undergoing the ordeal of carrying hot iron , and may have entered into a subordinate relationship with the German emperor Otto I. However , he rebelled after Otto 's death in 973 , and the following year was defeated at the Danevirke , a Danish defensive rampart in southern Jutland connected to the east with the important town of Hedeby .
27 Since the Vendor will have entered into the relevant contracts in the first place it is for the Vendor to take the risk as saying whether or not the contracts fall within these categories .
28 ‘ With hindsight , perhaps we should n't have gone into a peripheral business , ’ he concedes .
29 Social workers were given specific help in identifying their function to find ways to keep old people at home who might otherwise have gone into a residential home .
30 ‘ Then he must have gone into a steep dive .
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