Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] [adv prt] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My horse went down a couple of times when we were riding along a shallow river The hooves must 've turned up the mud at the bottom and I 'm sorry but no amount of expert preparation can help you keep cool when a 500lb horse goes down on you .
2 I can not resist saying that when Japan finally exchanges her peaceful simplicity , her admiration for , and artistic appreciation of , Nature 's beauties , and her contented national life , for the storm stress , and hurry of that feverish existence known to the West , she will have given up the substance for the shadow .
3 I tell you another thing that amazes me , how any one with a Sovereign right , were a Sovereign in those days , could have given up the palace of Westminster which is so beautiful , palace , together I suppose reigned after the Duke of is it ?
4 ‘ Pray , sir , may I ask you , do you think that if St. Paul happened to be travelling with us and had passed the place where he was born , that he would have pointed out the fact to us ? ’
5 Or in North Africa , having left the 11th Field Regiment , he might have sat out the rest of the war in luxury , gaining rank through time and , come the Peace , have been a live major instead of a dead lieutenant .
6 Years later , when they told this story , those who had conceived the plan insisted that they would have carried out the attack in their own names , as rebels , and not under the Shah 's authority .
7 An alternative explanation for Abu Nidal involvement was the suggestion that his group might have carried out the killings on behalf of the Iraqi regime ; this version depended on the suggestion that Abu Iyad , while publicly backing the PLO 's pro-Iraqi line , was expressing reservations about it to Arafat in private .
8 But as he looked at her innocent lips , he thought this pure child of nature could only have picked up the question from others .
9 The dead cetaceans , predators at the very top of the maritime food chain , would have picked up the toxins from shellfish and smaller animals which accumulate pollutants , Lenghaus said .
10 When we consider the essential role of susceptibility it becomes plain that the people who caught a cold in the bus were ‘ ill ’ before they ever stepped onto it , for if they had been healthy they would never have picked up the bugs in the first place .
11 Again this hope seems set against the tides of history , but again we can not be certain that a positive policy of Empire and tariffs could not have turned back the tide in 1902 or 1912 .
12 A COMPUTER blip could have messed up the statements of millions of credit card customers , it was revealed last night .
13 when the reactor was left hot on that July morning , heat would have crept up the metal to the condenser and melted the crystals , letting tetrachlorobenzene flow back into the reactor and lie in a concentrated layer on top of its contents .
14 As he was never in contention , he will not have used up the sort of nervous energy expended by Chip Beck , who recovered the lead he had lost on Saturday to edge out Greg Norman and Mike Standly with a final round of 70 .
15 The delight of the Gloucester supporters was in no way diminished by the fact that Barnes had missed three easy kicks at goal , any one of which would have wrapped up the game for Bath .
16 The UK 's Clean Air Acts , which forced many homes to replace coal-burning fires with smokeless fuel , gas or electric versions , may have cleaned up the smog from out cities , but the utilitarian heaters and radiators that replaced those fires seemed to take some of the cheer from our lives .
17 The company could n't foresee great success or they would have tied up the band for years by way of contract options .
18 If so , maternal antibodies would probably have mopped up the NFEs before their analysis , suggesting that the analysed cells are of a different type .
19 Apart from having a direct effect on the redistribution of income and wealth , the regulation of the capital market would also have slowed down the rate of economic growth and indirectly prevented large accumulation of capital by individual families .
20 Although the Schlieffen Plan , if faultlessly executed , might just have brought about the fall of France , in the event it failed because Moltke depleted , rather than strengthened , his right flank , and because , at the crucial moment , he lost his nerve .
21 Yet it does not occur to them that God might have brought about the defeat as an act of judgement upon them , and unlike Joshua and the elders in the story of Ai in Joshua 7 , they do not bother to turn to God to discover his mind .
22 The trio were modifying the trolley with implements they must have brought in the pockets of the golf-bags .
23 Vincent Cannistraro , chief of operations at the Central Intelligence Agency 's counter-terrorism centre at the time of the bombing , said there was evidence Iran may have hired out the operation to both Libya and to the Syria-based Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command ( PFLP-GC ) .
24 But there is little civic pride in Maan that its actions should have set off the train of events .
25 But his idea of a merger was quite different from the Allied proposal , which would have ruled out the possibility of a provisional French government and subordinated de Gaulle to Giraud .
26 This is bloody hard work — if I 'd wanted a holiday like this I could have gone down the mines for a fortnight . ’
27 The speed of descent must have cut down the exposure to any residual gas since he felt none of the earlier weirdness as he approached the still sealed engine room door .
28 This might have shored up the dollar for a time had the US balance of payments improved as expected .
29 The relevant circumstances were that : ( i ) the limitation terms had nut been negotiated by any representative body ; ( ii ) the buyers could not have discovered the error ( i. e. that the wrong seed had been delivered ) until after the crop was sown , whereas the sellers were in a position to have known ; ( iii ) the buyers could not reasonably have been expected to cover such a risk ( i.e. of crop failure ) by insurance whereas it was possible for seedsmen to cover their liability by insurance at a modest premium which would not have put up the cost of seeds by very much ; ( iv ) the error could not have occurred without some negligence on the part of the sellers .
30 A former 60-a-day-smoker , Mr McTear is suing Imperial Tobacco for damages , claiming he would not have taken up the habit in the 1960s had there been health warnings .
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