Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm We have n't I do n't think got minutes of the previous , I do n't think we were keeping minutes of these meetings .
2 And let me tell you , if you were to have come into our servants ' hall on any of those evenings , you would not have heard mere gossip ; more likely , you would have witnessed debates over the great affairs preoccupying our employers upstairs , or else over matters of import reported in the newspapers ; and of course , as fellow professionals from all walks of life are wont to do when gathered together , we could be found discussing every aspect of our vocation .
3 On the other hand , it is argued ( E. R. Dew , 56 Lqw Society 's Gazette 365 ) that the most likely ‘ other reason ’ for which an agreement might be void or unenforceable , apart from containing a provision against application to the court , would be precisely the want of consideration if the agreement be not under seal ; the legislature , it is urged on this view , would not have made inroads on the fundamental requirement of valuable consideration in a contract not under seal , by a provision purporting to deal with the maintenance rights of a wife .
4 Would have made matchsticks of the private car .
5 Others will normally have made arrangements with the departmental secretary for seeing students by appointment .
6 The price-conscious monarch could have bought presents for the whole family — and still had change from £50 .
7 Apart from the traffic implications in grid-locking the roads of Caerphilly , up Manor way , it might even have had repercussions for the hon. Gentleman 's constituents .
8 The frightening prospects described in the Limits to Growth model may have driven geographers of the 1970s to turn to the problems of smaller areas .
9 US President George Bush on July 31 , 1989 , vetoed a bill passed by Congress which would have set restrictions on the joint development of the FSX fighter , Japan 's next generation of attack aircraft [ see p. 36619 ; 36651 ] , on the grounds that joint development would have enabled the Japanese to overtake US technological superiority in aerospace and would have provided the means whereby Japan could develop its own commercial aircraft .
10 Laurence O'Toole , another member of the ad hoc committee , dismissed the meetings and press conference as a ‘ slick piece of public relations ’ but said he would have believed assurances from the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science ( BSSRS ) .
11 Now you can also have diminished intervals for the fifths and fourths .
12 Unfortunately we know nothing about the predecessors of Spartokos , nor can archaeology help much , and we can not say whether dynastic troubles in the 450s might have caused shortages on the Athenian grain market ; the seizure of power by the Spartokids is too late to be relevant .
13 These may not have constituted bases in the fullest sense nor been intended as permanent strategic installations , but Western statesmen have focussed on their potential and the capabilities they give the Soviet Union .
14 Though the leaders in the field will have appointed solicitors in the varying areas , almost all legal expenses policies include the right to your own solicitor and inevitably you will come across a legal expenses insurer during the course of your personal injury practice .
15 If the information of Aristeas is correct , Jewish and Greek soldiers must have rubbed shoulders in the same campaign .
16 The fact of the matter is. that we do not often have confirmed hypotheses of the given kind .
17 Not only may churchmen have lost kinsmen in the recent fighting , but enemy harrying had almost certainly resulted in extensive damage to church lands and possessions .
18 Additionally , the peasants would have held lands in the common fields .
19 There is no restriction on age , but nominees must not hold or have held professorships in the British Isles .
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