Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pers pn] [adv] [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Do you want Ann to go and whip you up an apple crumble ?
2 John wrote at length to Hanns about colour , shapes and general effect desirable , and asked him to ‘ do a few rough sketches and send them to me to give to Cecily ; number them so that I can just send you back a telegram saying ‘ Do number three ’ say , unless there is more to be said . ’
3 You could actually work it out the longhand way , the way that we 've described it Yeah I think you 'll find that that 's meant to be X and X
4 I be lucky I get any bloke fer more'n two monfs togewer like my ol' lady I suppose an' if I get a bloke 'e 'll be aht a' work or 'e 'll set me ter the bleed'n game like 'er I would n't be surprised but if you reely want ter now jus ' fer now for this minute I wanner enjoy it .
5 Some people will actually say , if I could add something to the plan that would cost you just a little bit more , which means that if you 're off work through illness , the company , Abbey will pay the premiums for you , would you be prepared to pay a bit more .
6 For example , rather than cover item by item the information given to new residents and staff with questions such as ‘ Do you tell them where the post office/bed room/toilet/ etc is ? ’ , it was necessary to ask the broader question of ‘ What information is given to newcomers ? ’ , resulting in a discussion about an informative brochure that everybody received on arrival at the EPH .
7 Did you tell me where the family planning clinics were , what they do , what age you can get the Pill ?
8 As one famous sportsman put it , ‘ Agree to do something for nothing and they 'll tell you where the bus stop is ; ask to be paid and they 'll send the limo . ’
9 The signs are not always immediately apparent or indicative , and can easily lead us up the garden path ; we have to learn to recognize the various spots and blemishes , however small .
10 So I said to Geoff I 'll get it up the village shop .
11 What would happen if the district council did n't support it yet the county council er supported it ?
12 I mean , she coped nicely because , providing we maintain a breeding stock of horses , cows and sheep , we can perhaps help you out a little bit more on that if you could erm , help us some more on the timber .
13 ‘ If you want my advice , lovie , you 'll pop her down the Town Hall and find her a decent coat to wear .
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