Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [det] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Taliesin , rather appalled at the ‘ on his own ’ part of this speech , said , ‘ But we might need you for all kinds of things , Fribble .
2 Yet if you have dry hair you have to be careful to choose a shampoo that will effectively rid you of these nasties without stripping your hair of its natural oils .
3 She knew that he was not going to like her question , might well accuse her of all sorts of things , not least acting like a jealous wife instead of a woman on whom he had clapped eyes only a matter of a few days before .
4 And she wo n't bewilder me with all sorts of complicated science .
5 Erm whilst the County Council can provide you with some figures on vacancies at a district level , we would be very loathe to make any comment on the assumptions for conversions and windfall sites .
6 The amount of data you can collect in one hour will provide you with several hours of work at your desk .
7 She said , we 'll ring you about any discrepancies on Monday did n't actually say we 'll ring you about the discrepancies on Monday .
8 Hypnotherapy helped steer him through these squalls towards the final harmony that he should achieve before the final crowning implant of the Black Carapace .
9 ( 2 ) You can provide us with such sums from your own resources on account of costs , to defray the expenses , as and when they occur .
10 It gives readers that necessary tug which will take them through all sorts of possibly wearisome matters to the final page .
11 My imagination could not take me to such depths of anger , so I implored her to tell me what was happening before Kareem ( my husband ) paid his afternoon visit .
12 Apart from guaranteeing the independence of central bankers , the scheme would also usefully encourage them in those habits of prudence and careful husbandry which are so necessary to their calling .
13 I mean they did n't have them in those colours in those days , that was the true Arran .
14 She wept easily and often anyway : frequently dissolving in front of Alice , who would then coax or bully her into all sorts of concessions .
15 Sometimes this was easier and cheaper , especially as increasing population could outpace workhouse provision ; sometimes it was because the parish officers discriminated in their application of the " test " and did not apply it to all kinds of claimant .
16 Er , just a couple of announcements colleagues , if er , those delegates who actually smoke , if you 've got any Embassy cigarette coupons , could you pass them to any members of the Northern Region .
17 erm how did that e wh wh what did your father pay you in those days for that ?
18 I do n't blame you in these days of ever increasing prices : whoever would have imagined the day would come when we would be paying 10/ — for a loaf of bread .
19 committee , if you go downstairs you will see on the notice there a display of various things that we do , and on the windowsills there are various pieces of information free sheets that you can pick up and take away it will tell you about all sorts of issues !
20 ( ‘ If you can just get me between these trees with the mountains in the background .
21 It was impossible to hug and kiss her with those letters in the background ( all the more , since this was to be their first , and thus an unforgettable , kiss ) , and so he had no choice but to turn back with a bitter sense of capitulation .
22 They also run various events and shows throughout the year and you can visit them on most days of the year .
23 I said you , she said yes , I 'm afraid so and I said I do sometimes begrudge it to those men in there .
24 The social worker will be like a skilled ‘ friend ’ to them , who can help them in many areas of their life , perhaps by suggesting ways of overcoming loneliness by putting them in contact with the type of activity , club , Day Centre or workshop that would interest them , and arranging suitable transport for this ; or , if they are not particularly keen on group social activities , sometimes by finding individual volunteers to visit them and take them out ; although it should be remembered that no social worker or voluntary visitor can ever be a real substitute for care from their own family .
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