Example sentences of "[vb infin] [noun sg] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We do n't want unity just for the sake of international tours .
2 At one stage in the lineage , for example , there is a cell which can produce either granulocytes or macrophages , and the decision to follow a macrophage or granulocyte pathway can be controlled by the concentration of a protein factor which , if the concentration is high enough , will direct differentiation exclusively along the macrophage pathway .
3 They would promise allegiance both to the state of which they were a citizen and to " the state of the commonwealth on the territory of which I perform my military service " .
4 He said , ‘ We could discuss business better in the bar .
5 But that is to deny that women can also want and enjoy sex purely for the fun of it .
6 Likewise , if you have already written a will , it is strongly recommended that you have this checked by a professional adviser to ensure that you do not give money unnecessarily to the taxman .
7 Maxi-Read allows any text file and path directive to be specified for analysis , but you can also input text directly into the program for consideration .
8 Advances of capital and determinations of interest during the life of the beneficiary which have taken place before 26/3/74 can give rise only to a claim for duty or tax in connection with the beneficiary 's death ( a ) If the death takes place before 13/11/74 any claim for estate duty must be made under Section 2(1) ( b ) ( i ) or ( ii ) of the Finance Act , 1894 , and all the present estate duty rules apply .
9 All the same , once we 've eaten we 'll head downriver again for the night . ’
10 However , the purchaser should be aware that the effect of the decision by the House of Lords in the recent case of Walford v Miles [ 1992 ] 1 All ER 453 is that the purchaser can achieve exclusivity only in the sense that the vendor undertakes not to negotiate with a third party for a fixed period .
11 Jibé is enthusiastic that a route of this length and level of difficulty will divert attention away from the fashion for ‘ microroute ’ 8c 's , like Ben Moon 's Maginot Line/le Plafond and Hubble .
12 We might think that this change of life would bring joy primarily to the person who is redeemed .
13 Camerun would not drink , feeling his head hum already with the gathering pressure in the village and with his compulsive second thoughts about his speech .
14 So it looks as if er nature has kind of erm struck a bargain in this respect , that each parent can contribute exactly half , but I think it 's , we 're only just beginning to find out about what happens then and my guess is about internal conflict between genes because I strongly suspect that there must be a lot of that going on because , as I think you 've rightly seen , if we take this view of evolution as selecting for individual genes , then we would expect conflict even within the gender .
15 So always treat those in exactly the same way as you would a normal roundabout , so that you 're coming up and always assuming that people should give way etcetera in the manner in which they should unless the roundabout directs otherwise .
16 This schematic characterization , however , does not do justice either to the manner in which they attempted to keep both poles in play at once , nor to the way in which they came to concede the impossibility of the theoretical projects which they undertook .
17 If such a measure were to be carried ( and a similar one is likely to be introduced in the Senate ) , Mr Bush could use force only at the risk of a domestic , and indeed a constitutional , crisis .
18 Do you see leadership primarily as a relationship skill or the exercise of authority ?
19 Do they claim authority simply on the basis of electoral victory to do as they please , including changing the constitutional framework , or do they find themselves restrained from so acting by certain fundamental principles ?
20 This suggests that to the criteria for trust wording a further one should be added : that the words be not only ‘ mediate ’ ( in the sense that they do not attribute property directly to the beneficiary ) but that they should also unequivocally attest the testator 's intention that a trustee should be under a legal obligation to a beneficiary .
21 He is one of the jewels of radio , a playwright who understands the medium , but who does n't use radio merely as a way of playing tricks that would n't work on stage or television .
22 A FORMER shipyard site which used to support hundreds of jobs will soon provide employment again as a result of a major redevelopment scheme by a Government agency .
23 We would therefore ask you to familiarise yourself with these requests so that you can take part fully in the discussion in your group .
24 Indeed , ‘ classical capitalism ’ , the analysis of which in its abstract form was given by Marx , was a sort of socio-productive structure where the economic subjects , from the viewpoint of their economic functions , did not take part directly in the apparatus of state power .
25 You can enter text directly into the Outliner and it is therefore a quicker way of creating text slides .
26 However , with any luck , the system could maintain circulation even in the case of total heart failure , purely by venous pumping .
27 17.1 This agreement embodies the entire understanding of the parties save as augmented by any side letter [ s ] [ or other agreement[s] ] exchanged contemporaneously with this agreement and signed by the parties hereto or by their duly authorised agents which side letter [ s ] [ or agreement[s] ] shall take effect either as a collateral agreement to this agreement or if it [ they ] shall be incorporated by express reference all the terms and conditions of such side letter [ s ] [ or other agreement [ s ] ] shall be treated as being a single composite agreement with this agreement and subject thereto there are no other arrangements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this agreement It may be advisable to include an arbitration provision , either to deal with any particular point in the agreement or to attempt to resolve disputes in general .
28 5.2.2 the Tenant 's Certificate has not been issued by the expiry of the period of immediately following the Possession Date then the provisions of clause 5.4 shall have effect immediately upon the expiry of the relevant period ( or upon the expiry of such extended period as the parties may within the relevant period agree in writing )
29 5.3 If at any time there has been any [ material ] noncompliance by the Landlord with any of [ its ] obligations under clause 2 or by the Tenant with any of [ its ] obligations under clause 3 and such default shall continue for or shall not be remedied to the [ reasonable ] satisfaction of the party not in default within [ 15 ] working days ( time being of the essence ) after service on the party in default by the other part of a notice specifying the default and invoking the provisions of this clause then the provisions of clause 5.4 shall have effect immediately upon the expiry of the relevant period
30 Carew Mill is the only restores tidal mill in Wales and it is hoped it will produce flour again in the future .
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